The amazing story from the world of animals occurred in Warwickshire, UK.
The amazing story from the world of animals occurred in Warwickshire, UK. It all started pretty sad - Wildlife officers Nuneaton and Warwickshire was found wounded fox. After a long rehabilitation center for animals, it became clear that she could not return to the wild habitat, as too accustomed to humans. From vetkliniki fox took to his Gryukok Jeff (Geoff Grewcock). Further turn of events was not expecting anyone: the new place was a wild animal to behave like an ordinary dog.
Roxy, as he called animal friends with the other pets Gryukokov and willingly plays with them. Fox prefers the raw meat dog food, sleeps in a basket and walking on a leash. From a wild animal she was only appearance.
Roxy, as he called animal friends with the other pets Gryukokov and willingly plays with them. Fox prefers the raw meat dog food, sleeps in a basket and walking on a leash. From a wild animal she was only appearance.