On the weight of men and women marriage affects differently.
And marriage, and divorce can send your body into a knockdown, which eventually will lead to a set of a few extra kilos. This is especially true of those who are over thirty, say researchers from Ohio State University (USA).
Doctoral candidate Faculty of Sociology Dmitry Tumin and sociology professor Chzhenchao Qian used the research materials National Longitudinal Survey of Youth '79, which was attended by representatives of both sexes 14-22 years. Until 1994, the subjects were surveyed every year, and since 1994 - a year later. In order to assess how they gained weight after marriage or divorce, the researchers analyzed data on 10,071 person, that were followed up from 1986 to 2008.
Participants were divided into four groups: those whose body mass index (BMI) was reduced by at least 1 kg / m (3 kg for human height is 177 cm) for two years after a change in marital status; those with a BMI rose moderately (increase from 3 to 9 kg); with a significant - more than 9, 5 kg - an increase in BMI; those with a BMI did not change (variation of less than 3 kg). This takes into account many factors affecting weight, including pregnancy for women, poverty, socio-economic status and education.
It turned out the following: men and women, two years after marriage or divorce a little got better in comparison with those peers who have never been married. However, this weight gain was small and had no adverse effect on health. However, many previous studies have shown that divorce in most cases leads to weight loss, at least in the early years. However, the researchers admit that these results were obtained due to the fact that other experts do not share the participants by age and sex, and focused only on the mean change in weight.
If you talk about a serious weight gain, it became clear that the effects of changes in marriage were quite different for men and women. So, the stronger sex big weight gain often occurs after a divorce, and a weak - after the wedding. To explain this paradox, scientists can not yet.
The results of the study were presented in Las Vegas at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.
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