Scientists are going to "build" the brain
To achieve this, Markram has created "Draft of the human brain." Efforts to connect hundreds of thousands of "puzzle" of the brain, neuroscientists have been discovered over the last few decades, the structure of the ion channels to the mechanisms of conscious decision-making into a single supercomputer model: a virtual brain.
If the plan works, the resulting model will be able to learn and gradually develop complex cognitive abilities, as well as a living person. Moreover, its programmed structure "code brain" developed "Project of the human brain" will be available for all neurologists in the world. They will be able to act on it as they please, whether it is virtual X-ray experiments, filling it with a programmable equivalent experimental drugs without disrupting processes at any level, either by observing the effect.
Some scientists believe that it just will not work, but others believe that the virtual brain will be as difficult to work with, as well as the present. However, the "Project of the human brain" has been selected as a finalist in two new flagship initiative of the European Union - Grants in the amount of 1, 3 billion dollars apiece.
But how can you build a human brain?
"We already have a prototype in place, ready to expand, refine and improve," - said Markram. He says that the process can be broken down into a few basic steps.
First, scientists must decide how much brain tissue they will build, and, secondly, they have to determine the mathematical models of neurons in this volume in accordance with the experimental data from a real human brain.
Further, they will connect the model neurons to each other through virtual synapses - bearing signal path. In today's world there is no computing system is capable of the brain similar to the transmission rate, so that the process will run slower.
In the fourth stage, developers will gather the crumbs of all available studies on the brain, says Markram. If the specific part of the brain is not yet known to science, the team will work together or with other neurologists to determine, or will fill in the gaps where researchers will be able to provide this information.
The next step - experimentation on the constructed model, to verify compliance.
The sixth stage of the "Project of the human brain" is to connect the brain to the virtual environment and the implementation of the protocol model of the brain can learn and thus develop complex cognitive abilities, said Markram.
And finally, scientists will develop and carry out experiments on the brain, hoping to explore everything from nerve roots of human behavior to the impact of new drugs on the brain.