The heads of state who is doing what and where he was
Interesting information about famous head of state who have experienced the joy of not only government, but also all the hardships of imprisonment and a taste of prison gruel. So, read more about the state leaders who had served time in prison.
1. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (first chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR in 1917-1924.):
He was active advocacy among workers, calling for a change in the political system. They were released more than 70 leaflets. In December 1895 he was arrested, detained for over a year in prison and in 1897 sent to 3 years in Shushenskoye Minusinskogo County Yenisei province.
When the First World War, Lenin lived in the territory of Austria-Hungary in the Galician town of Poronin, where he arrived at the end of 1912. Because of suspicion of spying for the Russian government, Lenin was arrested by the Austrian gendarmes. For his release required the assistance of the deputy-socialist Austrian Parliament V. Adler. August 6, 1914, Lenin was released from prison.
2. Joseph Stalin (first chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1946-1953.):
Stalin sat six times. It was only in the first - for political reasons. All other terms he received for robbery. In favor of the party ideological young fighter for banknotes arranged attacks, raids, robberies ... In his "personal account" robbery of the century in Tiflis, where together with other Kamo he stole a quarter of a million rubles, the sum in those days fantastic. Then a gang of Stalin kept at bay all Baku oil.
A pinnacle of "creativity" was an attack on the steamer "Emperor Nicholas I» ...
3. Adolf Hitler Alaiozovich (first chancellor of the Third Reich in 1933-1945.):
In Landsberg fortress-prison in November 1923 - December 1924, Hitler was serving a sentence for organizing the Munich putsch, 8-9 November 1923.
Hitler was kept in a comfortable environment, his camera was removed the other prisoners, he regularly received visitors. During the conclusion of Hitler dictated (first Secretary Emil Maurice, and then Hess) his book "Mein Kampf».
4. Fidel Castro Alehandrovich (Chairman of the State Council of Cuba from 1976 to 2008.):
July 26, 1953 26-year-old Fidel Castro led an attack on the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba, during an attempt to overthrow the dictator Batista Fulgeniko. The rebels lost the battle, but Castro was able to step back and hid in one of the villages, until he was found on August 1st. On the court, speaking in his own defense, he declared: "History Will Absolve Me", but was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Considering that the rebels no longer pose a risk, re-elected Castro Batista pardoned in 1955. After 4 years in Cuba, change of power.
5. Nelson Mandela Rolilahlalovich (President of South Africa (the first black president) from 1994 to 1999.):
5 August 1962 Mandela, who was on the run for seventeen months, was arrested by the authorities and imprisoned in Johannesburg. To a large extent the success of the operation was made possible by the support of the CIA.
At trial, Mandela was charged with organizing workers' strikes in 1961 and illegally crossing the state border. October 25, 1962 he was sentenced to five years in prison.
During his speech at the trial of April 20, 1964 in the Supreme Court in Pretoria.
All defendants except Rusty Bernstein were found guilty, but the 12 June 1964 measure of punishment was changed to life imprisonment
Mandela was serving his sentence on Robben Island near Cape of Good Hope, where he spent the next eighteen of the twenty-seven years in prison.
While in prison in solitary confinement in prison, Mandela gained worldwide fame.
According to the memoirs of Mandela as a D-group prisoner he was entitled to one visit and one letter within six months.
6. Hugo Chavez Rafaelevich (President of Venezuela from 1999 to 2013.):
February 4, 1992 under the command of the army column Hugo Chavez took to the streets of the capital Caracas. The rebels say they plan not to seize power, and its reorganization and the creation of the Constituent Assembly.
At noon on February 4, Hugo Chavez, has surrendered to authorities, urged his supporters to lay down their arms and took full responsibility for the preparation and organization of the operation. At the time of his arrest, was broadcast live, Lt. Col. Chavez said that he and his comrades lay down their arms only because of the fact that this time they failed to achieve this goal and to avoid further bloodshed, but their struggle will continue. Chavez and a number of his supporters were in prison, where he spent the next two years.
1. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (first chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR in 1917-1924.):

He was active advocacy among workers, calling for a change in the political system. They were released more than 70 leaflets. In December 1895 he was arrested, detained for over a year in prison and in 1897 sent to 3 years in Shushenskoye Minusinskogo County Yenisei province.
When the First World War, Lenin lived in the territory of Austria-Hungary in the Galician town of Poronin, where he arrived at the end of 1912. Because of suspicion of spying for the Russian government, Lenin was arrested by the Austrian gendarmes. For his release required the assistance of the deputy-socialist Austrian Parliament V. Adler. August 6, 1914, Lenin was released from prison.
2. Joseph Stalin (first chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1946-1953.):

Stalin sat six times. It was only in the first - for political reasons. All other terms he received for robbery. In favor of the party ideological young fighter for banknotes arranged attacks, raids, robberies ... In his "personal account" robbery of the century in Tiflis, where together with other Kamo he stole a quarter of a million rubles, the sum in those days fantastic. Then a gang of Stalin kept at bay all Baku oil.
A pinnacle of "creativity" was an attack on the steamer "Emperor Nicholas I» ...
3. Adolf Hitler Alaiozovich (first chancellor of the Third Reich in 1933-1945.):

In Landsberg fortress-prison in November 1923 - December 1924, Hitler was serving a sentence for organizing the Munich putsch, 8-9 November 1923.
Hitler was kept in a comfortable environment, his camera was removed the other prisoners, he regularly received visitors. During the conclusion of Hitler dictated (first Secretary Emil Maurice, and then Hess) his book "Mein Kampf».
4. Fidel Castro Alehandrovich (Chairman of the State Council of Cuba from 1976 to 2008.):

July 26, 1953 26-year-old Fidel Castro led an attack on the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba, during an attempt to overthrow the dictator Batista Fulgeniko. The rebels lost the battle, but Castro was able to step back and hid in one of the villages, until he was found on August 1st. On the court, speaking in his own defense, he declared: "History Will Absolve Me", but was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Considering that the rebels no longer pose a risk, re-elected Castro Batista pardoned in 1955. After 4 years in Cuba, change of power.
5. Nelson Mandela Rolilahlalovich (President of South Africa (the first black president) from 1994 to 1999.):

5 August 1962 Mandela, who was on the run for seventeen months, was arrested by the authorities and imprisoned in Johannesburg. To a large extent the success of the operation was made possible by the support of the CIA.
At trial, Mandela was charged with organizing workers' strikes in 1961 and illegally crossing the state border. October 25, 1962 he was sentenced to five years in prison.
During his speech at the trial of April 20, 1964 in the Supreme Court in Pretoria.
All defendants except Rusty Bernstein were found guilty, but the 12 June 1964 measure of punishment was changed to life imprisonment
Mandela was serving his sentence on Robben Island near Cape of Good Hope, where he spent the next eighteen of the twenty-seven years in prison.
While in prison in solitary confinement in prison, Mandela gained worldwide fame.
According to the memoirs of Mandela as a D-group prisoner he was entitled to one visit and one letter within six months.
6. Hugo Chavez Rafaelevich (President of Venezuela from 1999 to 2013.):

February 4, 1992 under the command of the army column Hugo Chavez took to the streets of the capital Caracas. The rebels say they plan not to seize power, and its reorganization and the creation of the Constituent Assembly.
At noon on February 4, Hugo Chavez, has surrendered to authorities, urged his supporters to lay down their arms and took full responsibility for the preparation and organization of the operation. At the time of his arrest, was broadcast live, Lt. Col. Chavez said that he and his comrades lay down their arms only because of the fact that this time they failed to achieve this goal and to avoid further bloodshed, but their struggle will continue. Chavez and a number of his supporters were in prison, where he spent the next two years.