6 humble heroes who saved many lives
If you think that a real hero - a muscular guy like Rambo, with a bunch of grenades on his belt and large-caliber machine gun at the ready, to deal with crowds of terrorists and criminals have to disappoint you: the true bravery and courage can be silent and invisible, but they are not less valuable .
Modest heroes are not only respect, but also some degree of perplexity - why did not they tell us all about his exploits? Some of them have special reasons for this kind of obligations to the state, but in most cases, without exaggeration, the best people in the world just does not give glory and fame of any value - they just saved lives. Here you will find six examples of desperate courage and reckless courage and single - boasting and self-admiration.
1. Police, dissuaded from suicide dozens of people
Kevin Briggs over 22 years patrolling the district of San Francisco, which includes the famous bridge "Golden Gate" - one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. Unfortunately, the bridge is popular not only among tourists but also among decided to settle accounts with the life of citizens: Kevin does not just have to save lost souls desperate, intending to go to his last flight or, for example, to shoot.
Someone has calculated that on average each month thanks Briggs manages to save two potential suicides, so for him it has become a familiar part of the service routine. For two decades, the misfire occurred only once: 22-year-old young man disregarded the arguments of Kevin and yet committed suicide. This impact could be the envy of many superheroes. For outstanding service colleagues gave Briggs ironic, but certainly honorable nickname "Guardian of the Golden Gate».
2. The British diplomat saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust
Many people know the name of Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who in the years of persecution and extermination of the Jews and gave refuge to many of them do, thus relieving some 1,200 people from the gas chambers and ovens "death camps." Nevertheless, it goes about it, and about Frank Foley - British intelligence officer who gave birth to nine thousand Jews.
He was probably one of the most unsung hero of the Second World War: a modest servant of the British Embassy in Berlin used his position to forge passports, allowing fleeing Nazi domination freely out of the country. Foley officer even managed to pull out of the clutches of the Gestapo prisoners of concentration camps, with the help of visas and travel documents giving them an alibi.
His feat is almost unknown to the general public, since until his death in 1958, Frank preferred to keep his mouth shut: the information he possessed, could cause significant damage diplomatic relations of the European powers in the first place, of course, Germany and the UK . In 2004, the Government of the United Kingdom declassified some circumstances activities Foley, recognizing his services to the victims of the Holocaust.
3. Mechanics "Titanic" sacrificed themselves so that passengers can evacuate
Catastrophe "unsinkable" "Titanic" has become one of the largest in the history of navigation, and even since the tragedy has been more than a century, it still devote movies, books and other works of art.
According to eyewitnesses, the sinking ocean liner was like a huge brightly lit city, stretching into the depths of the waters, but few think about why actually on "Titanic" almost until the last moment electricity works, because, logically, all passengers and crew members as sought soon as possible to leave the ship.
The merit of maintaining coverage entirely belongs to the mechanics and fireman vessel: while distraught with fear of high society representatives rushed in search of free boats, workers hold selflessly remained in their places. Thanks to the courage of the crew light was on for 45 minutes, which saved more than one hundred lives.
4. British schoolgirl warned tourists tsunami
10-year-old Tilly Smith and her family vacationing in the resorts of Thailand, sunbathing on the beach and examining sights. One day the tourists have noticed an unusual phenomenon: the sea at first that the "boil" and then became "swell" like dough. Idle beach goers curiously observed the process without feeling any danger, but Tilly knew immediately what threatens "boiling" ocean - shortly before the lesson of geography they were told about the signs of approaching tsunami.
The girl immediately cried out in a loud voice his suspicions, but her parents and other "sober" thinking self-confident adults did not believe her and continued to enjoy a unique spectacle. Finally, weeping and wailing Tilly have the desired effect - the Smiths decided to leave the beach, but before that they shared assumptions daughter with one of the employees of the beach, which immediately ordered the evacuation of tourists.
The victims of the enormous waves became more than 250 thousand people in 13 countries, but on the beach, where Tilly was not hurt anybody, because her family and nearly a hundred other tourists managed to take in a safe area.
5. The surgeon conducted 30,000 operations in a combat zone
Doctors all over the world every day save many lives, but some of them have achieved real skill in the art of pulling patients, they say, "from the world." These magician anesthesia and scalpel, of course, can be attributed surgeon Gino Strada, specializing in heart and lung transplantation.
Strada - founder and chairman of the Italian organization «Emergency», but respect him not only (and not so much) for this. Gino as a field surgeon was in the hottest parts of the world - Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Cambodia and other countries. Strada provide free care to the wounded military and civilians, in 25 years of practice, he personally spent about 30 thousand operations (on average more than three transactions per day), thanks to him in combat areas appeared 47 medical centers, have gone through hundreds of thousands of people .
A brave medic often had to negotiate with the radical terrorist organizations to be allowed to place their institution as close as possible to the front line, with Gino tried to centers equipped with the latest technology. Strada when asked if he wanted to stop the charity and to return to his native Venice, Gino said: "I probably surgical animal - I like to live in the operating room».
6. The head of security service one of the corporations anticipated attack 9/11
Horror number of victims of the terrorist attack on the "Twin Towers", many people forget that under certain circumstances they could be much more: for example, if Rick Rescorla, head of security finance company «Morgan Stanley» (it occupied most of the South Tower) , was not as far-sighted.
Rick, an experienced military and veterans of the Vietnam War, led the security department of the company in the 1990s and soon developed his own plan for the evacuation of the building, which after the collapse of the North twin allowed a few minutes to withdraw from the second tower more than 2,700 employees of the corporation. < br />
Thanks downright brilliant insight Rica under the rubble of the building of the South only 13 people were killed. Unfortunately, one of them turned himself: after the evacuation of most staff Rescorla returned to the tower in search of stragglers, and at this point in her second plane crashed with suicide at the helm.
Modest heroes are not only respect, but also some degree of perplexity - why did not they tell us all about his exploits? Some of them have special reasons for this kind of obligations to the state, but in most cases, without exaggeration, the best people in the world just does not give glory and fame of any value - they just saved lives. Here you will find six examples of desperate courage and reckless courage and single - boasting and self-admiration.
1. Police, dissuaded from suicide dozens of people

Kevin Briggs over 22 years patrolling the district of San Francisco, which includes the famous bridge "Golden Gate" - one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. Unfortunately, the bridge is popular not only among tourists but also among decided to settle accounts with the life of citizens: Kevin does not just have to save lost souls desperate, intending to go to his last flight or, for example, to shoot.
Someone has calculated that on average each month thanks Briggs manages to save two potential suicides, so for him it has become a familiar part of the service routine. For two decades, the misfire occurred only once: 22-year-old young man disregarded the arguments of Kevin and yet committed suicide. This impact could be the envy of many superheroes. For outstanding service colleagues gave Briggs ironic, but certainly honorable nickname "Guardian of the Golden Gate».
2. The British diplomat saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust

Many people know the name of Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who in the years of persecution and extermination of the Jews and gave refuge to many of them do, thus relieving some 1,200 people from the gas chambers and ovens "death camps." Nevertheless, it goes about it, and about Frank Foley - British intelligence officer who gave birth to nine thousand Jews.
He was probably one of the most unsung hero of the Second World War: a modest servant of the British Embassy in Berlin used his position to forge passports, allowing fleeing Nazi domination freely out of the country. Foley officer even managed to pull out of the clutches of the Gestapo prisoners of concentration camps, with the help of visas and travel documents giving them an alibi.
His feat is almost unknown to the general public, since until his death in 1958, Frank preferred to keep his mouth shut: the information he possessed, could cause significant damage diplomatic relations of the European powers in the first place, of course, Germany and the UK . In 2004, the Government of the United Kingdom declassified some circumstances activities Foley, recognizing his services to the victims of the Holocaust.
3. Mechanics "Titanic" sacrificed themselves so that passengers can evacuate

Catastrophe "unsinkable" "Titanic" has become one of the largest in the history of navigation, and even since the tragedy has been more than a century, it still devote movies, books and other works of art.
According to eyewitnesses, the sinking ocean liner was like a huge brightly lit city, stretching into the depths of the waters, but few think about why actually on "Titanic" almost until the last moment electricity works, because, logically, all passengers and crew members as sought soon as possible to leave the ship.
The merit of maintaining coverage entirely belongs to the mechanics and fireman vessel: while distraught with fear of high society representatives rushed in search of free boats, workers hold selflessly remained in their places. Thanks to the courage of the crew light was on for 45 minutes, which saved more than one hundred lives.
4. British schoolgirl warned tourists tsunami

10-year-old Tilly Smith and her family vacationing in the resorts of Thailand, sunbathing on the beach and examining sights. One day the tourists have noticed an unusual phenomenon: the sea at first that the "boil" and then became "swell" like dough. Idle beach goers curiously observed the process without feeling any danger, but Tilly knew immediately what threatens "boiling" ocean - shortly before the lesson of geography they were told about the signs of approaching tsunami.
The girl immediately cried out in a loud voice his suspicions, but her parents and other "sober" thinking self-confident adults did not believe her and continued to enjoy a unique spectacle. Finally, weeping and wailing Tilly have the desired effect - the Smiths decided to leave the beach, but before that they shared assumptions daughter with one of the employees of the beach, which immediately ordered the evacuation of tourists.
The victims of the enormous waves became more than 250 thousand people in 13 countries, but on the beach, where Tilly was not hurt anybody, because her family and nearly a hundred other tourists managed to take in a safe area.
5. The surgeon conducted 30,000 operations in a combat zone

Doctors all over the world every day save many lives, but some of them have achieved real skill in the art of pulling patients, they say, "from the world." These magician anesthesia and scalpel, of course, can be attributed surgeon Gino Strada, specializing in heart and lung transplantation.
Strada - founder and chairman of the Italian organization «Emergency», but respect him not only (and not so much) for this. Gino as a field surgeon was in the hottest parts of the world - Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Cambodia and other countries. Strada provide free care to the wounded military and civilians, in 25 years of practice, he personally spent about 30 thousand operations (on average more than three transactions per day), thanks to him in combat areas appeared 47 medical centers, have gone through hundreds of thousands of people .
A brave medic often had to negotiate with the radical terrorist organizations to be allowed to place their institution as close as possible to the front line, with Gino tried to centers equipped with the latest technology. Strada when asked if he wanted to stop the charity and to return to his native Venice, Gino said: "I probably surgical animal - I like to live in the operating room».
6. The head of security service one of the corporations anticipated attack 9/11

Horror number of victims of the terrorist attack on the "Twin Towers", many people forget that under certain circumstances they could be much more: for example, if Rick Rescorla, head of security finance company «Morgan Stanley» (it occupied most of the South Tower) , was not as far-sighted.
Rick, an experienced military and veterans of the Vietnam War, led the security department of the company in the 1990s and soon developed his own plan for the evacuation of the building, which after the collapse of the North twin allowed a few minutes to withdraw from the second tower more than 2,700 employees of the corporation. < br />
Thanks downright brilliant insight Rica under the rubble of the building of the South only 13 people were killed. Unfortunately, one of them turned himself: after the evacuation of most staff Rescorla returned to the tower in search of stragglers, and at this point in her second plane crashed with suicide at the helm.