Boy eats some candies

Doctors admit that the first time faced with a disease that causes allergic to absolutely all foods. But even more surprised by the doctors that the child is suffering from a mysterious illness, was able to survive thanks to candy. Finley Ranson suffering from a rare eating disorder, because of which he was unable to eat normal food. The body is fighting a three-year child with food as if it is a virus, causing him internal bleeding begins.

Finley has undergone a number of genetic tests at a hospital in London, where doctors tried to determine what is causing an extremely rare form of eosinophilic enterocolitis. However, the boy began to adapt and adhere to a strict diet - eat 10 candies every day. His mother, 27-year-old Rhys, even candy melts, connecting them with jam and fruit ice cream, to make them more palatable to his little boy. In spite of the terrible disease, she says Finley always smiling, and, surprisingly, likes to visit the children's cafe, reports British tabloid Mail Online.

Lack of nutrients in the body of the child is compensated through a special nutrient fluid that enters the stomach Flynn through a feeding tube every two and a half hours. The boy had already been carried out 10 operations, during which doctors are not only replaced the phone, but also explore the inner child. Currently the disease Finley for doctors - a riddle, which they are trying to solve. Doctors are trying to figure out why the baby suffer for sweets, but does not accept any other food.

Rice found that her son can eat sweets, talking to another mother from the support group. Prior to that, she has tried hundreds of different products in a desperate search for something that will not cause a allergic reaction. At Finley has an older sister, Georgia, which is also suffering from this disease, but her body is responding only to dairy products, eggs and soy. At the same time, as noted by Rice, in her family and the family of her husband, no one has ever suffered from such diseases. Currently, the boy's parents are waiting for the results of recent tests and hope that doctors will be able to determine the cause of the disease and to help their son.
Source: fedpost.ru/lydi/44827-malchik-istekayushhij-krovyu-iz-za-lyuboj-edy-vynuzhden.html