Wife came home after midnight and found in his bag key to the door. So as not to wake me, decided to call his son on a mobile phone. She assumed that he was, as usual, this time sitting at the computer in his room and allegedly preparing to set off. But that night the son remained with his girlfriend.
He came to clean the aquarium in the absence of parents and unexpectedly delayed.
Between mother and son is happening on the phone the following conversation:
- Son, open the door.
- What door? - Imposingly lounging in a chair and tapping his finger on the clear glass of the aquarium, it is reasonable to ask the boy.
- Input.
- And where are you?
- I'm standing at the front door.
Girl hears this dialogue and goggles so that it becomes similar to the largest goldfish in your aquarium. She knew that her mother had other very strict, but she will come for his son at this time ...
The conversation began to take an abrupt appearance, sound disappears periodically. That son of a tube closes his hand and talking to the girl.
- How did she know the address? - Frightened girl asks.
- How do you know the address? - Bewildered boy repeats.
"My son is with a sense of humor" - is proud to celebrate Mom.
- Very clever. Discover! - She says.
Boy, as if to confirm the presence of a sharp mind, a girl says:
- She knows everything. Red diploma!
He recalls how as a child my mother told him that from it nothing can hide it all in the eyes defines.
Girl, depicting a welcoming hostess, runs to the kitchen to make tea.
The boy is still trying to master two thoughts: my mother found out the address and the reason for such a late visit.
- Come on, open - requires mother impatiently.
Son, his face thoughtful catfish, poёzhivayas, goes to the door and looks through the peephole. Naturally, there is not a soul. For some it is - of course, the same boy falls into a deep surprise. He opens the door and looks out. On the landing of this does not get crowded. Just in case he goes down to the floor below ... found no one returns.
Several inhibited closes the door and trying to come up with an explanation for this fact. He did not succeed.
Apparently, it is necessary to know the laws of physics, perhaps even the theory of relativity - reflects a boy - but he somehow humanities. A girl, just the same, a physicist! He's looking forward to it, but that their appearance shows that currently professional knowledge not give her the opportunity to reasonably interpret the situation.
They stand in silence as a memorial guard, downcast eyes ...
Again, the phone rings.
- Well, where are you? - Have already asked my mother terribly.
- I opened the door. You do not.
- Well, enough joking.
Son opens the door again. Together with a friend, they go to the site. This time comes smarter. A boy climbs on the floor above, and the girl down. Expand coverage. The result is similar to the previous.
At this time, calling the boy, and the voice of a man who suddenly and permanently lost his sight, says:
- Mom, I can not see you.
Mother also begins to worry, because the boy repeatedly advised smaller sit at the computer.
- I'm standing near the elevator, son.
These words spoken in the five-story Hruschev time period, cause even more confusion.
The boy looks at the girl, though she hides a terrible secret and insecure bleats:
- We do not lift Nooo ... - and presses the button on the phone "all clear».
He begins to suspect that is crazy. In extreme cases, asleep. However, the phone rings again and interrupted sleep.
- I'm tired of it already. Call Dad?
The boy understands that in this case we can speak only about the father and the girl responds:
- They are not. They went to the cottage.
- Who are they?
- A father and his new wife.
So ... Finally, my mother also begins to suspect that is crazy. It is the last effort trying to cling to reality.
Especially aided by the information that in the evening her husband had already to have a new wife.
- What kind of wife?
- Second.
- Who's second wife?
- Nikolai Ivanovich new, second wife.
- Who is Nikolai? - Asks a leading question mom.
- Father.
Mom realizes that much does not converge in his explanations. It is not excluded even that, contrary to the laws of nature, it is not her son. By bringing in a bunch of disparate facts, it is, in any case, asks:
- Whose father?
- Masha.
Then she gently and lovingly motherly last question:
- Where's your father - Victor Ivanovich?
- So he's home ...
- Did not understand ... And where are you?
- I'm not at home.
... I had to call my wife at the door. Finding my home and one, she was very happy, and I almost missed the plane.
Source: ribalych.ru
He came to clean the aquarium in the absence of parents and unexpectedly delayed.
Between mother and son is happening on the phone the following conversation:
- Son, open the door.
- What door? - Imposingly lounging in a chair and tapping his finger on the clear glass of the aquarium, it is reasonable to ask the boy.
- Input.
- And where are you?
- I'm standing at the front door.
Girl hears this dialogue and goggles so that it becomes similar to the largest goldfish in your aquarium. She knew that her mother had other very strict, but she will come for his son at this time ...

The conversation began to take an abrupt appearance, sound disappears periodically. That son of a tube closes his hand and talking to the girl.
- How did she know the address? - Frightened girl asks.
- How do you know the address? - Bewildered boy repeats.
"My son is with a sense of humor" - is proud to celebrate Mom.
- Very clever. Discover! - She says.
Boy, as if to confirm the presence of a sharp mind, a girl says:
- She knows everything. Red diploma!
He recalls how as a child my mother told him that from it nothing can hide it all in the eyes defines.
Girl, depicting a welcoming hostess, runs to the kitchen to make tea.
The boy is still trying to master two thoughts: my mother found out the address and the reason for such a late visit.
- Come on, open - requires mother impatiently.
Son, his face thoughtful catfish, poёzhivayas, goes to the door and looks through the peephole. Naturally, there is not a soul. For some it is - of course, the same boy falls into a deep surprise. He opens the door and looks out. On the landing of this does not get crowded. Just in case he goes down to the floor below ... found no one returns.
Several inhibited closes the door and trying to come up with an explanation for this fact. He did not succeed.
Apparently, it is necessary to know the laws of physics, perhaps even the theory of relativity - reflects a boy - but he somehow humanities. A girl, just the same, a physicist! He's looking forward to it, but that their appearance shows that currently professional knowledge not give her the opportunity to reasonably interpret the situation.
They stand in silence as a memorial guard, downcast eyes ...
Again, the phone rings.
- Well, where are you? - Have already asked my mother terribly.
- I opened the door. You do not.
- Well, enough joking.

Son opens the door again. Together with a friend, they go to the site. This time comes smarter. A boy climbs on the floor above, and the girl down. Expand coverage. The result is similar to the previous.
At this time, calling the boy, and the voice of a man who suddenly and permanently lost his sight, says:
- Mom, I can not see you.
Mother also begins to worry, because the boy repeatedly advised smaller sit at the computer.
- I'm standing near the elevator, son.
These words spoken in the five-story Hruschev time period, cause even more confusion.
The boy looks at the girl, though she hides a terrible secret and insecure bleats:
- We do not lift Nooo ... - and presses the button on the phone "all clear».
He begins to suspect that is crazy. In extreme cases, asleep. However, the phone rings again and interrupted sleep.
- I'm tired of it already. Call Dad?
The boy understands that in this case we can speak only about the father and the girl responds:
- They are not. They went to the cottage.
- Who are they?
- A father and his new wife.

So ... Finally, my mother also begins to suspect that is crazy. It is the last effort trying to cling to reality.
Especially aided by the information that in the evening her husband had already to have a new wife.
- What kind of wife?
- Second.
- Who's second wife?
- Nikolai Ivanovich new, second wife.
- Who is Nikolai? - Asks a leading question mom.
- Father.
Mom realizes that much does not converge in his explanations. It is not excluded even that, contrary to the laws of nature, it is not her son. By bringing in a bunch of disparate facts, it is, in any case, asks:
- Whose father?
- Masha.
Then she gently and lovingly motherly last question:
- Where's your father - Victor Ivanovich?
- So he's home ...
- Did not understand ... And where are you?
- I'm not at home.
... I had to call my wife at the door. Finding my home and one, she was very happy, and I almost missed the plane.

Source: ribalych.ru