Christian Lacroix bankruptcy

Ministry of Industry of France is desperately trying to find a buyer for the fashion house Christian Lacroix, to take it out of the desperate financial situation. Meanwhile, the Commercial Court of Paris actually sentenced the company to halt operations as a full-fledged fashion house. Companies have to go through painful restructuring, cutting about 100 employees and closing Lacroix boutiques in Paris, New York and Las Vegas. But that's not the worst thing: according to the court order, Lacroix must close the production of ready-made garments and unit couture. The only thing that remains - promoted brand licensing the use of other factories. This may mean that the future fashion season Lacroix miss. For the first time since 1987, when the fashion designer Christian Lacroix loudly declared itself on the debut show in Paris. Wishing to save the sinking brand is not much. One of the potential investors, Sheikh Alhassan Bin Ali d'Aymana distracted from buying their own financial troubles. And the Italian Borletti Group recently completely abandoned its earlier intentions to buy Lacroix.
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