Chinese fake favorite city of Salvador Dali
Chinese pricked copy anything. Starting from radios, ending fighters. The next step - the city. A businessman from China intends to recreate a favorite city of Salvador Dalí in his home country. A replica of the fishing town of Cadaqués will be built on the coast of the Taiwan Strait, which separates mainland China and the island of Taiwan. In June, Chinese builders visited Cadaques to make measurements and take pictures of everything possible. The beginning of works is planned for the autumn. Builders intend to play the town in the smallest detail: straight streets, whitewashed Domky, harbor full of fishing boats. The creators even going to straighten the shoreline in full compliance with the prototype. But simply copying the Chinese a little, they always have to stick anything on my own. In this case, a gag would be an artificial island. Primarily a businessman is building this island for the residents of China. Replicas of European cities are popular among people in the country who have chosen to Europe problematic. And these towns allow a glimpse of the life of foreigners. Waiting for a replica of Moscow or New York in the original scale.