Zone G to small aircraft Russia

rules for private pilots fly in Russia is gradually becoming inadequate. From November 1 in Russia come into force new federal rules of using airspace, simplifying the procedure for performing fly small aircraft. In a number of Russian regions are the new rules as an experiment more with spring. The law establishes three classes of airspace: A, C, and G. In the first class flights are carried out at an altitude of 8, 1 thousand meters under the supervision of air traffic controllers air traffic services. Class C adjusts flights up to 8, one thousand meters of two types - the instrument and visual, but only under the supervision of air traffic controllers. And finally, the third grade, G, given small aircraft. Flights in this area do not require the permission of the manager. Previously, pilots of small aircraft was required to apply, and then get permission to flight. This worked hard control over the route. Now the man with the pilot's identity can be lifted into the air by plane and helicopter immediately after the order is notified control bodies about their route over the phone or through the Internet.