"Oh my dog!" Watch collection

Watch brand from Geneva Artya, the brainchild of engineer and conceptual designer Ivan Arpa creates a truly unique timepieces. Each of their creation - unique. As shown in this picture of the new series of watches with screaming the name «Oh, My Dog !!!», consonant with the English exclamation «Oh My God!» - «Oh my God!". Artya teamed with artist Dominique Arpa-Tsirpka, miniature paintings which adorn the dials. The approach to the manufacture of chronographs Artya calls "organic": each face painted by hand, watch case, again by hand, baked Tesla transformer to give an original look and decorated with diamonds. Inside - Swiss movement. To top it off, a choice of several original straps. The most interesting of these is probably the bracelet called "mad frog" made of cane toad skin-aga. And these amphibians is produced exclusively in Australia, where they are being short-sighted introduced by colonists, have long turned into pests.