Who lived in the house for $ 12 billion?
chic King, Liverpool jeweler Stuart Hughes, best known for incredibly expensive iPhone, iPad and other gadgets, swung at a large-scale nature. Together with Kevin Huber of exklusivHAUS he is going to be built in Switzerland the most expensive house in the world, which would cost 7, 5 billion (!) Pounds ($ 12, 2 billion). The house is supposed to be built in the canton of Zug. A more precise location is not specified, for obvious reasons. The astronomical cost of housing Hughes clocked up in the traditional way: the abundance of precious materials. On the interior design are invited to spend 200,000 kilograms (!) Rare metals and stones. Including exotic, familiar from Hughes gadgets such as the meteor rocks and dinosaur bones. The house will consist of eight rooms. Earth under the house in 2442 m2 of living space - 725 m2 and 388 m2 terrace, cellar - 245 m2. The project team will take five and a half years. The only question is whether they will find a buyer willing to part with the eleven-sum. People with appropriate capital is not so much. For example, the state of the richest Russian Vladimir Lisin, estimates Forbes, at $ 24 billion. But it is hardly a single person in their right mind would give half of their capital even for the most beautiful house in the world.