The iPad has its first serious competitor

After the release of the iPad tablet rushed to do everything - from major electronics manufacturers to unnamed Chinese firms. But no one, despite all the efforts and the vast infusion could not even come close to the success of Apple. Now, it seems that California's "apple company" has its first serious competitor: Amazon introduced its tablet Kindle Fire. Kindle Fire is almost an exact copy of RIM PlayBook, except that it has no camera. The rest - all the same. The tablet is based on a dual-core processor with 1 GHz and is equipped with a 7-inch touchscreen LCD display with a resolution of 1024 × 600 pixels. The screen is protected by a durable glass Corning Gorilla. The memory is 8 GB and operates tablet running Android 2.1. Availability of 3G-connection is not provided. Gadget RIM PlayBook was received by the public, to put it mildly, without enthusiasm. However, the Amazon Fire, you can forgive a lot, because its price is only $ 199 - for the money difficult to find even a Chinese "noneym." But Amazon is going to compete not only at the price. The company completely revamped interface operating system Android, imprison him under the viewing of media content. Amazon announces a revolution in media consumption information. The apparatus erased differences between different types of content: access any of them is carried out through a single interface, rather than through the individual application. The range of Amazon represented 18 million (!) Books, magazines, music tracks, movies and TV series. Anyone bought from Amazon content is automatically saved in the cloud storage available to the user company and virtually any device with Internet access. Also forgotten Reader Kindle screen with e-ink. The line-up Amazon There are just three trends: a miniature Kindle «entry level" for $ 79; Kindle Touch with touch interface for $ 99, and finally, Kindle Touch 3G for $ 149.