Belarus through the eyes of a New Zealander
What is the first impression one gets from foreigners about the brotherly country and why the grass and the lawn can not go? In this photo report you will learn with some strange, except alcoholic beverages, unusual food and gossip met in Belarus, a resident of New Zealand, Brian. Showcases
For Brian it was just incredible and quite difficult, because it could not (and can not!) To read in Russian and in Belarusian, and signage in English, we almost do not exist. Therefore, most of the shops for Brian remained a mystery, but for the mean execution or non-discharge windows he did not know where, and more importantly, why we go ...
Music English
Brian still can not believe why so many people in Belarus, listen to music in English - "because they do not understand the lyrics!" I tried to explain that in the music rhythm is important and all that, but Brian serious Musicophilia, this figure has not yet been able to ...
Nuuu, this is our everything! She sho? And he? Yes, you sho! From zhezh yakaya! Brian was the first time in a serious shock after the incident with the anonymous call from our hostess. Brian did not believe so happened that I decided in the future simply do not devote it to the news of our town!
Overdressed = dressed
Every time a girl in high heels and an evening dress on the streets Stolina, Brian asked me where she could HERE SUCH go? Here there are no nightclubs or superrestoranov! I tried to explain to Brian that Sunday - is an occasion to "dress up". But he's still not really understand the concept ... In New Zealand, I realized why for him it was beyond understanding: here do not dress up, everything just ...
Do not speak in "hitched»
I know that my brother experienced Hitch, today will not agree, however, in the "hitched" we do not talk much. That is, say hello, may be asked whether you go from her grandmother or something like that, but further talks did not lead. In New Zealand, the conversations are even in the banks, and it is purely symbolic, short but pleasant conversation, during which both sides try to joke and laugh ...
Not to sit on the lawn! On the grass do not go!
- And what if the grass and lawns? - Once he asked me, Brian, when I transferred him to another prohibiting plate. I was confused and replied to beauty ... In New Zealand, the land - the people, so there go on the lawns and sitting on the grass and - on the contrary.
Now, Brian knows what the three men standing in a circle in a corner. Yet he could not get used to the shaky (in the truest sense of the word) through the streets of the peasants. But most of all he could not understand how you can drink. As a result, concluded that drinking vodka in one gulp - very bad!
Brian calls them the bird food. He was surprised when I was bored of black seeds, sitting in the kitchen and nibble (!) Them. I tried - it did not work, neither poluzgat nor ponaslazhdatsya! :)
Company plastic bags
It - determination Brian :) For him tozhu was beyond comprehension to see so many people on the streets with plastic bags, and many of these people are not sent with the packages of the stores!
This is such an amazing Belarus received Brian :)
Source: volha-olga.livejournal.com
For Brian it was just incredible and quite difficult, because it could not (and can not!) To read in Russian and in Belarusian, and signage in English, we almost do not exist. Therefore, most of the shops for Brian remained a mystery, but for the mean execution or non-discharge windows he did not know where, and more importantly, why we go ...

Music English
Brian still can not believe why so many people in Belarus, listen to music in English - "because they do not understand the lyrics!" I tried to explain that in the music rhythm is important and all that, but Brian serious Musicophilia, this figure has not yet been able to ...

Nuuu, this is our everything! She sho? And he? Yes, you sho! From zhezh yakaya! Brian was the first time in a serious shock after the incident with the anonymous call from our hostess. Brian did not believe so happened that I decided in the future simply do not devote it to the news of our town!

Overdressed = dressed
Every time a girl in high heels and an evening dress on the streets Stolina, Brian asked me where she could HERE SUCH go? Here there are no nightclubs or superrestoranov! I tried to explain to Brian that Sunday - is an occasion to "dress up". But he's still not really understand the concept ... In New Zealand, I realized why for him it was beyond understanding: here do not dress up, everything just ...

Do not speak in "hitched»
I know that my brother experienced Hitch, today will not agree, however, in the "hitched" we do not talk much. That is, say hello, may be asked whether you go from her grandmother or something like that, but further talks did not lead. In New Zealand, the conversations are even in the banks, and it is purely symbolic, short but pleasant conversation, during which both sides try to joke and laugh ...

Not to sit on the lawn! On the grass do not go!
- And what if the grass and lawns? - Once he asked me, Brian, when I transferred him to another prohibiting plate. I was confused and replied to beauty ... In New Zealand, the land - the people, so there go on the lawns and sitting on the grass and - on the contrary.

Now, Brian knows what the three men standing in a circle in a corner. Yet he could not get used to the shaky (in the truest sense of the word) through the streets of the peasants. But most of all he could not understand how you can drink. As a result, concluded that drinking vodka in one gulp - very bad!

Brian calls them the bird food. He was surprised when I was bored of black seeds, sitting in the kitchen and nibble (!) Them. I tried - it did not work, neither poluzgat nor ponaslazhdatsya! :)

Company plastic bags
It - determination Brian :) For him tozhu was beyond comprehension to see so many people on the streets with plastic bags, and many of these people are not sent with the packages of the stores!
This is such an amazing Belarus received Brian :)

Source: volha-olga.livejournal.com