Viber bought for $ 900 million

Company Viber, providing VoIP service connection, acquired the Japanese company Rakuten. Transaction amount - $ 900 million. This, of course, not 8-something billion that Microsoft paid for Skype, but also very good.
Here it is worth considering that Viber has about 300 million registered accounts (how many of them are active - not reported), and the growth rate of users growing all the time. For example, last year the number of network users Viber increased by 120%.
By the way, at the end of last year in the client Viber adds the ability to make calls to mobile and landline phones. Previously, call each other could only users Viber, who have the appropriate application. Actual rates for calls to different countries of the world can learn how to online Viber , or directly in the application. Service Viber out while working in the versions for iPhone, Android and desktop operating systems.
Representatives of both parties believe that the deal is beneficial for Rakuten, and for Viber. Rakuten will be able to socialization throughout their infrastructure (the company is engaged in online trading), and Viber will be released on the Japanese market, where until now the company has a minimum percentage of users.
It is worth noting that Viber has long been looking for a buyer - so, last year, the company hired representatives of Goldman Sachs to find a potential buyer. Then the company's management evaluates its assets in the 500-600 million US dollars.
Via bbc.co.uk
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/212617/
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