Healer of the Mogilev region
In the village of Little Pilshichi in Mogilev region lives healer Danilovna Fyodor Konyukhov, which is referenced to the people who help the medicine already powerless. According healer her unusual abilities became apparent in childhood and for many years doctors are trying to understand how it using a single touch of a hand is able to supply the person diagnosed. Today we will visit the visit the Belarusian healer and see what is it a resounding success. Small Pilshichi in Mogilev region at first glance no different from any other Belarusian village: ramshackle huts, lonely old people, rags abyss. But at the end of the road is seen not in Rural fashionable brick building at the gate of which is constantly parked cars, many - with Russian numbers. For 88-year-old healer Fedor Danilovna Konyukhova, and in a simple peasant woman Theodore, come and Minsk residents, and residents of the province of deep and desperate Russians.
Valentina Antonovna brought to her husband Theodore. He suffers from cancer, and in the last step. "Doctors initially spared her husband, silent, and then in the face said that he had no chance - sigh Belarusian. - And so all of a sudden it started! Just a month disease developed. He even retired have not had time to get out. We are already deployed and in Borovlyany ago and everywhere. Well, if Fedor does not help ... »
We are talking, standing in the kitchen two-story hotel, built by Fyodor Konyukhov for patients. A place to sleep rather modest: yes beds icons. French croissants and latte for breakfast you will not be offered, but you can always stop for the night or for a few days. "Hotel", "healer", "village" - all together it sounds pretty weird. But the flow of people really so much that we had to build a separate building for visitors. In healing abilities Fedora many believe, talk about it and write. And mocked her, and abused a lot. But the number of patients, hurrying to "welcome" is not reduced.
The material side of the issue almost do not care about those who came to the healer as a last source of hope. They say that people who have no money, my grandmother Fedor takes charge. With other takes depending on the severity of the disease. "I do not know how much Fedor will treat my husband, we have just arrived, and now it's our turn has not yet come. The last time for the treatment of two people - a son and a grandson - we paid 700 thousand., - Says Valentina Antonovna. - Now I talked to a woman in the kitchen, she said that for hotel accommodation and two treatment sessions per day healer takes off her 800 thousand. And all you need to go through 20 sessions, ie ten days. It turns 8 million. Rather big amount of money, of course, but I'm ready to give the last, if only to help her husband! »
At the entrance to the house Danilovna Fedora, like a cabinet titular professor medic on duty anxious relatives of patients. "Well? What have you learned? What is she doing? "- They questioned everyone who comes out of the door. Alexander, for example, came with his wife. She has multiple sclerosis. "It started after the birth of a child, and it is getting worse and worse. Now his wife is already walks with difficulty ... Unfortunately, throughout the world, the disease can not be cured, "- says sad man. Minsker Vitaly drove to Theodore gravely ill father, and now waits at the door of his son: five year old boy was brought to the healer, so he stopped writing at night. Vitaly impression of a serious business man, but obviously happy to listen to supernormal 88-year-old grandmother. In turn we hear excerpts of the phrase "blood purifier", "improves aura", "aura", "man-X» ...
Fedor Danilovna takes us into his front room. In the corner - icons on the beds and pillows - beautiful embroidery. No crystal ball or tarot cards, all very natural. Grandma looks intelligent and moves with surprising for 88-year-old man playfulness.
I, like my parents, was born here in Pilshichah. This is the place where now stands the house, the church was a place - says the healer. - My father worked for many years chairman of the collective farm. I often see in a dream, as he was coming here (if there was someone else's farm) to clear negative energy, which he received from other people. Before the war, her father took her family to work in Filyandiyu, where we lived for a year. When the war began, we were taken to the evacuation of the Vologda region, and his father - the front. There he died. But even before his death, my father gave me the rent, that is a promise to take me, that I would like his mother, a doctor ».
According to Theodora Danilovna her unusual abilities became apparent in childhood. Father was seriously injured when she was a small child. So, as soon as Fedor came to the House, it becomes easier. Should get out of the hospital corridor - a condition of his father deteriorated. Therefore, it is constantly sent for her little girl. Then Fedor was able to cure his father.
Belarusian healer, of course, believes in a very unusual, outrageous things. Fedorov believes that a person is born on its soil untold number of times, and that the planet goes a lot of our twins. It tells part of the vision, about how in a dream fought with Satan and shouted: "Anyway, I'll strangle you!" At the same time Fedor Danilovna keeps repeating that her gift given to her by God. "In every village has its own Godmother" - she says sincerely. Each patient she tells about the miraculous power of local clay and healing water from four wells. "Nowhere in the world there is no such key water as our source! Light begins here, from Belarus, "- says the healer.
By the way, our Belarusian Fedor - more celebrities among, as she calls them, "yasnovidenok." In the seventies and eighties supernatural powers healer studied even Moscow scientists. For many years in various institutes of biophysics, experts have tried to understand how Fedor using a single touch of a hand can put a person diagnosed? How is it possible that your fingers man radiated a strong energy, which is detected? Belarusian healer even invited to the Star City, where, according to my grandmother, her lecture made a great impression on the pilots. She treated herself Valentina Tereshkova. "I Tereshkova ten days to cure. Her kidneys were sick, and I helped, and she still runs "- terse recalls astronaut Fedor.
However, for the great success of the healer stands a great family mountain, three of the four children were killed. Now close to 88-year-old grandmother - granddaughter Elena. It several times a week comes from Minsk, where he lectured in law to look after the farm (animal Fedor were chickens, a dog and a cat), feed the grandmother and clean the house. "What did the Belarusian village! Painful to watch. Previously, all had large farms, and now in our Pilshichah no one cow does not hold, because the money is not enough to feed "- Elena sighs.
Fedor grandmother herself to life is not complaining. "Many old people in my age and not rise up from the bed, but not me" - says the healer.
Talk time is coming to an end, it's time to check for yourself the healing power of Fedora. The whole ritual lasts no more than 20 minutes. Very hot and strong for his age healer holds hands over the body, from time to time holding them at some one point, then briefly and distinctly says, for example, "I do not like your chest" or "you, my child, gastritis ". Fedor called almost all ailments correspondent, but mentioned the fact that never before bothered. Profanity or foresight? Decide for yourself. Finally grandmother gave to drink the healing water from own well and gave the local bag, again, the clay, which you want to spread the sore spots. For all this did not take a penny.
When we went from Theodora Danilovna, drove to the house of another car, from Murmansk. Address Belarusian healer Murmansk found on the Russian forum. Travel many kilometers from their hometown made an unshakable faith in a miracle which should help. And hope that Fedor is the most righteous, without which, as the saying goes, is not worth the village.
Source: people.onliner.by

Valentina Antonovna brought to her husband Theodore. He suffers from cancer, and in the last step. "Doctors initially spared her husband, silent, and then in the face said that he had no chance - sigh Belarusian. - And so all of a sudden it started! Just a month disease developed. He even retired have not had time to get out. We are already deployed and in Borovlyany ago and everywhere. Well, if Fedor does not help ... »
We are talking, standing in the kitchen two-story hotel, built by Fyodor Konyukhov for patients. A place to sleep rather modest: yes beds icons. French croissants and latte for breakfast you will not be offered, but you can always stop for the night or for a few days. "Hotel", "healer", "village" - all together it sounds pretty weird. But the flow of people really so much that we had to build a separate building for visitors. In healing abilities Fedora many believe, talk about it and write. And mocked her, and abused a lot. But the number of patients, hurrying to "welcome" is not reduced.

The material side of the issue almost do not care about those who came to the healer as a last source of hope. They say that people who have no money, my grandmother Fedor takes charge. With other takes depending on the severity of the disease. "I do not know how much Fedor will treat my husband, we have just arrived, and now it's our turn has not yet come. The last time for the treatment of two people - a son and a grandson - we paid 700 thousand., - Says Valentina Antonovna. - Now I talked to a woman in the kitchen, she said that for hotel accommodation and two treatment sessions per day healer takes off her 800 thousand. And all you need to go through 20 sessions, ie ten days. It turns 8 million. Rather big amount of money, of course, but I'm ready to give the last, if only to help her husband! »
At the entrance to the house Danilovna Fedora, like a cabinet titular professor medic on duty anxious relatives of patients. "Well? What have you learned? What is she doing? "- They questioned everyone who comes out of the door. Alexander, for example, came with his wife. She has multiple sclerosis. "It started after the birth of a child, and it is getting worse and worse. Now his wife is already walks with difficulty ... Unfortunately, throughout the world, the disease can not be cured, "- says sad man. Minsker Vitaly drove to Theodore gravely ill father, and now waits at the door of his son: five year old boy was brought to the healer, so he stopped writing at night. Vitaly impression of a serious business man, but obviously happy to listen to supernormal 88-year-old grandmother. In turn we hear excerpts of the phrase "blood purifier", "improves aura", "aura", "man-X» ...
Fedor Danilovna takes us into his front room. In the corner - icons on the beds and pillows - beautiful embroidery. No crystal ball or tarot cards, all very natural. Grandma looks intelligent and moves with surprising for 88-year-old man playfulness.

I, like my parents, was born here in Pilshichah. This is the place where now stands the house, the church was a place - says the healer. - My father worked for many years chairman of the collective farm. I often see in a dream, as he was coming here (if there was someone else's farm) to clear negative energy, which he received from other people. Before the war, her father took her family to work in Filyandiyu, where we lived for a year. When the war began, we were taken to the evacuation of the Vologda region, and his father - the front. There he died. But even before his death, my father gave me the rent, that is a promise to take me, that I would like his mother, a doctor ».
According to Theodora Danilovna her unusual abilities became apparent in childhood. Father was seriously injured when she was a small child. So, as soon as Fedor came to the House, it becomes easier. Should get out of the hospital corridor - a condition of his father deteriorated. Therefore, it is constantly sent for her little girl. Then Fedor was able to cure his father.
Belarusian healer, of course, believes in a very unusual, outrageous things. Fedorov believes that a person is born on its soil untold number of times, and that the planet goes a lot of our twins. It tells part of the vision, about how in a dream fought with Satan and shouted: "Anyway, I'll strangle you!" At the same time Fedor Danilovna keeps repeating that her gift given to her by God. "In every village has its own Godmother" - she says sincerely. Each patient she tells about the miraculous power of local clay and healing water from four wells. "Nowhere in the world there is no such key water as our source! Light begins here, from Belarus, "- says the healer.

By the way, our Belarusian Fedor - more celebrities among, as she calls them, "yasnovidenok." In the seventies and eighties supernatural powers healer studied even Moscow scientists. For many years in various institutes of biophysics, experts have tried to understand how Fedor using a single touch of a hand can put a person diagnosed? How is it possible that your fingers man radiated a strong energy, which is detected? Belarusian healer even invited to the Star City, where, according to my grandmother, her lecture made a great impression on the pilots. She treated herself Valentina Tereshkova. "I Tereshkova ten days to cure. Her kidneys were sick, and I helped, and she still runs "- terse recalls astronaut Fedor.

However, for the great success of the healer stands a great family mountain, three of the four children were killed. Now close to 88-year-old grandmother - granddaughter Elena. It several times a week comes from Minsk, where he lectured in law to look after the farm (animal Fedor were chickens, a dog and a cat), feed the grandmother and clean the house. "What did the Belarusian village! Painful to watch. Previously, all had large farms, and now in our Pilshichah no one cow does not hold, because the money is not enough to feed "- Elena sighs.
Fedor grandmother herself to life is not complaining. "Many old people in my age and not rise up from the bed, but not me" - says the healer.
Talk time is coming to an end, it's time to check for yourself the healing power of Fedora. The whole ritual lasts no more than 20 minutes. Very hot and strong for his age healer holds hands over the body, from time to time holding them at some one point, then briefly and distinctly says, for example, "I do not like your chest" or "you, my child, gastritis ". Fedor called almost all ailments correspondent, but mentioned the fact that never before bothered. Profanity or foresight? Decide for yourself. Finally grandmother gave to drink the healing water from own well and gave the local bag, again, the clay, which you want to spread the sore spots. For all this did not take a penny.

When we went from Theodora Danilovna, drove to the house of another car, from Murmansk. Address Belarusian healer Murmansk found on the Russian forum. Travel many kilometers from their hometown made an unshakable faith in a miracle which should help. And hope that Fedor is the most righteous, without which, as the saying goes, is not worth the village.

Source: people.onliner.by