Life Manifesto Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy 18 formulated for themselves their life manifesto. These "rules for the development of the will, activity, memory and mental abilities", aimed at curbing and feelings of self-love and self-interest, rather universal, and therefore do not lose relevance.
- Every morning assigns itself all you have to do during the day, and do all assigned.
- Go to sleep as little as possible.
- All personal troubles endure without expressing them externally.
- If you started, no matter what that may be the case, then do not leave it without graduating.
- Do not worry about the approval of the people you know or not, or despise.
- Repeat the evening all that you have learned during the day. Every week, every month and every year the exam itself around when and how much, if also find that I forgot, then starts again.
- Not changing his lifestyle, if you have even become ten times richer.
- Do not allow yourself to spending done for vanity.
- Every increment of the estate to your drink is not for himself but for society.
- Invent as many sessions.
- Does not require assistants in the case that you can finish one.
- The worse the situation, the stronger the activity.
- A real contentment.
- Seek opportunity of doing good.
- Try to make life pleasant people connected with you.