Utilities, as you know - Soviet apartment in which several families lived. Each family takes one or more rooms with shared bathroom, toilet and kitchen. I suggest you look at the typical rules of Soviet communal apartments. Classic Large communal apartment in a building built before the Revolution survived to our time. As a result of a long evolution of human society, this option has acquired many of the features of these communities, and most importantly, has formed a new human social species, which will be logically described as homo communalicus.
People, grown old in communal, mostly talking about them in a kind way, despite all the inconveniences of this accommodation. Perhaps they are really lucky - they were spared from loneliness, which very often involves a life in the city.
In the life of homo communalicus not be anything like what the neighbors do not know. His clothes, including underwear, dried after washing strung from the ceiling in the common kitchen ropes. An apartment community is well aware of the life of any of its members - down to the features the work of his intestines. Generally, homo communalicus perceives neighbors almost like family members. Before they can appear untidy in an old coat, in holey sweatpants and a t-shirt stale.
A significant part of the cosmetic and hygiene procedures performed in their presence, as locked in the bathroom for a long time can not. Such an intimate affair as hair coloring, can turn into a collective event. And that one's for dinner, you can find the smell without leaving his room. However, there are some advantages: if the tenant is preparing a festive communal meal - say, bakes cakes, the unwritten rules require that he treated their neighbors. Homo communalicus always included in the life of society and does not present itself is constant communication.
According to the observations of sociologists, in a communal apartment in very rare cases novels, not to mention marriage. And this is not surprising in such connections inside apartment has something of incest.
Characteristically, the denunciation of the system of communal relations is not considered to be something immoral. Sin is not to complain about a neighbor where to apply - for example, hit the energy sector, that the refrigerator is connected to bypass the meter. At some point in our history like that whistleblowing is strongly encouraged by the state, over time it has become habitual and does not disappear even when the government ceased to call for a general alert.
For example, a fairly common phenomenon - eavesdropping and spying. However, the love of neighbor to others the secrets can be used for personal purposes. Enough, for example, mentioned on the phone in general the corridor, that you'll be a director of the father at you - the general, and the mistress - a movie star, and the next day the whole apartment will look at you with respect. People always believe the information received informally.
Items of general use, as a rule, cause a feeling of disgust, so homo communalicus trying to protect the public from the mud individual means. In the dressing room, he will use his own toilet seat, which completed the procedure, hang on a nail driven into the wall.
With the same purpose before washing dishes in the sink to put the overall basin. Again, community residents prefer to take a shower rather than a bath. The bath can dive only after a large harvest, when it had just been washed. Since the toilet and bathroom - general, the rules of communal life requires that they be used exactly as prescribed. Reading in the restroom, to put it mildly, are not welcome.
Dweller communal monitors the cleanliness of the apartment - this is required by the rules written and unwritten, but remains completely indifferent to the dirt on the landing. Even the hawks living neighbors feed pets cats living in the stairwell, reconciled with the characteristic flavors. To support the homeless brothers our smaller house community refers approvingly, and the smell in the stairwell homo communalicus perceived as invincible evil.
The fundamental principle of classical communal life - the principle of social justice. Here, everything is regulated and painted. Every resident suits large laundry according to a special schedule. It is believed that the pre-emptive right to use the bathroom there are those who spends all day at work. If you sit in the apartment all day, you do not have to rush hour take a bathroom - it is indecent. The majority of apartments on the wall hangs a schedule indicating when and who cleans the common areas. Near often hang meter readings and calculations of the amounts that each room is paying for utilities.
For electricity homo communalicus applies with particular attention, one might even say - anxious. During the heyday of communal apartments cheap electricity cost and payment of invoices was not too onerous. Nevertheless, because of the headlights on reminder light in the bathroom so serious conflicts arose that some tenants prefer to establish there own light bulb - the switch in the room and therefore was unavailable neighbors. Apartment the public could, for example, require that the person to whom often go away, to pay more for the light: after a call to the front door, too, spends energy.
Nevertheless, because of the headlights on reminder light in the bathroom so serious conflicts arose that some tenants prefer to establish there own light bulb - the switch in the room and therefore was unavailable neighbors. Apartment the public could, for example, require that the person to whom often go away, to pay more for the light: after a call to the front door, too, spends energy.
Such methods of establishing a communal justice survived almost to the present day. So, the apartment can increase the fee for the phone to someone who lives in the far end of the corridor, as everyone calls him to the machine, and it - nobody. Again, we are talking about a penny, but the main thing - to observe the principle, and the money is - unique and versatile tool.
Source: nyka-huldra.livejournal.com

People, grown old in communal, mostly talking about them in a kind way, despite all the inconveniences of this accommodation. Perhaps they are really lucky - they were spared from loneliness, which very often involves a life in the city.

In the life of homo communalicus not be anything like what the neighbors do not know. His clothes, including underwear, dried after washing strung from the ceiling in the common kitchen ropes. An apartment community is well aware of the life of any of its members - down to the features the work of his intestines. Generally, homo communalicus perceives neighbors almost like family members. Before they can appear untidy in an old coat, in holey sweatpants and a t-shirt stale.

A significant part of the cosmetic and hygiene procedures performed in their presence, as locked in the bathroom for a long time can not. Such an intimate affair as hair coloring, can turn into a collective event. And that one's for dinner, you can find the smell without leaving his room. However, there are some advantages: if the tenant is preparing a festive communal meal - say, bakes cakes, the unwritten rules require that he treated their neighbors. Homo communalicus always included in the life of society and does not present itself is constant communication.
According to the observations of sociologists, in a communal apartment in very rare cases novels, not to mention marriage. And this is not surprising in such connections inside apartment has something of incest.

Characteristically, the denunciation of the system of communal relations is not considered to be something immoral. Sin is not to complain about a neighbor where to apply - for example, hit the energy sector, that the refrigerator is connected to bypass the meter. At some point in our history like that whistleblowing is strongly encouraged by the state, over time it has become habitual and does not disappear even when the government ceased to call for a general alert.

For example, a fairly common phenomenon - eavesdropping and spying. However, the love of neighbor to others the secrets can be used for personal purposes. Enough, for example, mentioned on the phone in general the corridor, that you'll be a director of the father at you - the general, and the mistress - a movie star, and the next day the whole apartment will look at you with respect. People always believe the information received informally.

Items of general use, as a rule, cause a feeling of disgust, so homo communalicus trying to protect the public from the mud individual means. In the dressing room, he will use his own toilet seat, which completed the procedure, hang on a nail driven into the wall.
With the same purpose before washing dishes in the sink to put the overall basin. Again, community residents prefer to take a shower rather than a bath. The bath can dive only after a large harvest, when it had just been washed. Since the toilet and bathroom - general, the rules of communal life requires that they be used exactly as prescribed. Reading in the restroom, to put it mildly, are not welcome.

Dweller communal monitors the cleanliness of the apartment - this is required by the rules written and unwritten, but remains completely indifferent to the dirt on the landing. Even the hawks living neighbors feed pets cats living in the stairwell, reconciled with the characteristic flavors. To support the homeless brothers our smaller house community refers approvingly, and the smell in the stairwell homo communalicus perceived as invincible evil.

The fundamental principle of classical communal life - the principle of social justice. Here, everything is regulated and painted. Every resident suits large laundry according to a special schedule. It is believed that the pre-emptive right to use the bathroom there are those who spends all day at work. If you sit in the apartment all day, you do not have to rush hour take a bathroom - it is indecent. The majority of apartments on the wall hangs a schedule indicating when and who cleans the common areas. Near often hang meter readings and calculations of the amounts that each room is paying for utilities.

For electricity homo communalicus applies with particular attention, one might even say - anxious. During the heyday of communal apartments cheap electricity cost and payment of invoices was not too onerous. Nevertheless, because of the headlights on reminder light in the bathroom so serious conflicts arose that some tenants prefer to establish there own light bulb - the switch in the room and therefore was unavailable neighbors. Apartment the public could, for example, require that the person to whom often go away, to pay more for the light: after a call to the front door, too, spends energy.

Nevertheless, because of the headlights on reminder light in the bathroom so serious conflicts arose that some tenants prefer to establish there own light bulb - the switch in the room and therefore was unavailable neighbors. Apartment the public could, for example, require that the person to whom often go away, to pay more for the light: after a call to the front door, too, spends energy.
Such methods of establishing a communal justice survived almost to the present day. So, the apartment can increase the fee for the phone to someone who lives in the far end of the corridor, as everyone calls him to the machine, and it - nobody. Again, we are talking about a penny, but the main thing - to observe the principle, and the money is - unique and versatile tool.
Source: nyka-huldra.livejournal.com