A little bit around the corner
On the Russian part of the bay, there is Moscow, and has near and far suburbs. Or in the same spirit. Of course, referring to the wild on the contrast between the capital and the rest of the territory. In principle, no arguing suprotiv truth. But contrasts - they are taking place everywhere. Get at least a business and cultural centers, even quite affluent cities and compare them with areas of extreme. I'm not talking about the favelas of Rio and Sao Paulo.
Egypt is no exception to this series. There Cairo, Alexandria, untwisted seaside resorts. And the pyramid with sphinxes, where the same without them. There are quite a different Egypt. Dusty and not particularly priglyadny. But perhaps this is the real country. One that does not comb to the masses of tourists coming. This Statement outback. Walk to a small town about a hundred kilometers from Sharma.
What could be better at the start than to meet something painfully familiar. Such, for example, as a classic of the Togliatti automobile plant.
With gasoline is no problem. There are problems with the lack of it. And quite often. Maybe because it is too cheap? The queue at the gas station - a phenomenon quite normal
Oh, and for the diesel engine can line up at all monstrous column length in a couple of kilometers.
Hinting that this pharmacy
Replacement transport. In Europe, carry bikes and scooters. Here - camels.
El-Tor. The new quarter for the Bedouins. Something like like near Kiev - in Bucha, Bortnichi.
And this is a lived-rayonchik. Well, where do without living creatures.
Unidentified device. But cool.
In the foreground is a vegetable, something resembling the taste potatoes
The future of Egypt
Our contemporary classics
The town is not very clean. However, as we have. Third World, which is already there
Something very reminds me
Border post
And annex
Baths of Moses. Nothing more, nothing less
Technical pool for parking. Plate - it is clear to anyone. Presumably cases have taken place.
The inner space
"Ostriches run out." Eat nothing
Benches. Harshly.
Hotel building
Ibid. Church of Moses and Mark. Coptic
Hybrid Catholicism and Orthodoxy
Egypt is no exception to this series. There Cairo, Alexandria, untwisted seaside resorts. And the pyramid with sphinxes, where the same without them. There are quite a different Egypt. Dusty and not particularly priglyadny. But perhaps this is the real country. One that does not comb to the masses of tourists coming. This Statement outback. Walk to a small town about a hundred kilometers from Sharma.
What could be better at the start than to meet something painfully familiar. Such, for example, as a classic of the Togliatti automobile plant.

With gasoline is no problem. There are problems with the lack of it. And quite often. Maybe because it is too cheap? The queue at the gas station - a phenomenon quite normal

Oh, and for the diesel engine can line up at all monstrous column length in a couple of kilometers.

Hinting that this pharmacy

Replacement transport. In Europe, carry bikes and scooters. Here - camels.

El-Tor. The new quarter for the Bedouins. Something like like near Kiev - in Bucha, Bortnichi.

And this is a lived-rayonchik. Well, where do without living creatures.

Unidentified device. But cool.

In the foreground is a vegetable, something resembling the taste potatoes

The future of Egypt

Our contemporary classics

The town is not very clean. However, as we have. Third World, which is already there

Something very reminds me

Border post

And annex

Baths of Moses. Nothing more, nothing less

Technical pool for parking. Plate - it is clear to anyone. Presumably cases have taken place.

The inner space

"Ostriches run out." Eat nothing

Benches. Harshly.

Hotel building


Ibid. Church of Moses and Mark. Coptic

Hybrid Catholicism and Orthodoxy