The consequences of the storm St. Jude in the UK
The strongest storm in recent years, "St. Jude" continued to commit excesses in the UK. Meteorologists warned residents: it is the strongest cyclone in a decade. View the devastating effects of a possible cut.
Livni and gale-force wind, carrying with it the chaos and destruction, again struck Western Europe, not really had time to recover from the Christmas storm. In the UK, the wind speed sometimes exceeds 100 kilometers per hour. Flooding vast areas, including - hundreds of homes. Some villages have been completely evacuated. Several people are still missing. The situation is similar in Ireland. In the village of Lahinch wave partially destroyed the embankment.
"The storm, which is dominated by the second week is the United Kingdom, - the strongest since 1991. The current weather situation with heavy rains, hurricanes and floods of rivers not very typical for the winter period, "- ITAR-TASS quotes the expert" Meteogrup "Matt Dobson. Nearly 300 areas of the UK are warning of possible floods. The situation is complicated by the squally wind speed gusts that sometimes exceed 110 kilometers per hour.
The hurricane left without power several hundred homes, and the local authorities do not exclude the possibility of future outages. Continued heavy rains have led to a flood of a number of rivers, making it difficult to access specialists in remote areas. Severe weather conditions severely disrupted rail and road links in the country. Many roads are closed due to the threat of flooding, for the same reason in certain areas do not go to the train.
For several days the storm undermined cliff in East Sussex County, and she fell into the water. These frames are dropped eyewitnesses. Wind speed exceeds 100 km / h. Flooded and evacuated a few small settlements, there is missing. The same thing is happening in Ireland.
Source: masterok.livejournal.com

Livni and gale-force wind, carrying with it the chaos and destruction, again struck Western Europe, not really had time to recover from the Christmas storm. In the UK, the wind speed sometimes exceeds 100 kilometers per hour. Flooding vast areas, including - hundreds of homes. Some villages have been completely evacuated. Several people are still missing. The situation is similar in Ireland. In the village of Lahinch wave partially destroyed the embankment.

"The storm, which is dominated by the second week is the United Kingdom, - the strongest since 1991. The current weather situation with heavy rains, hurricanes and floods of rivers not very typical for the winter period, "- ITAR-TASS quotes the expert" Meteogrup "Matt Dobson. Nearly 300 areas of the UK are warning of possible floods. The situation is complicated by the squally wind speed gusts that sometimes exceed 110 kilometers per hour.

The hurricane left without power several hundred homes, and the local authorities do not exclude the possibility of future outages. Continued heavy rains have led to a flood of a number of rivers, making it difficult to access specialists in remote areas. Severe weather conditions severely disrupted rail and road links in the country. Many roads are closed due to the threat of flooding, for the same reason in certain areas do not go to the train.

For several days the storm undermined cliff in East Sussex County, and she fell into the water. These frames are dropped eyewitnesses. Wind speed exceeds 100 km / h. Flooded and evacuated a few small settlements, there is missing. The same thing is happening in Ireland.

Source: masterok.livejournal.com