Dear me. Or "Letter to yourself in 16 years" ..

If these messages were to recipients, the world would be different now.
If you could write yourself in 16 years, what would you say? This question was asked 75 celebrities: writers, actors, musicians and athletes. From their responses was born the book "Dear I: Letter to sixteen itself» (Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self) - a collection of letters in the past. On its pages famous people appear normal sixteen year old boys and girls, often complexed not confident. Seniors 'I' trying to give yourself Jr. witty, intimate, wise advice about how should behave in life, what to expect and what to avoid. The result was a book is not about celebrities, but a youth, growing up, waiting for a miracle.
This idea was so exciting that people from around the world began to write letters to themselves. The official website of the book already number in the thousands. Probably each of us has something to say to yourself, sixteen.
Here are a few inspirational messages of celebrities. Of course, they can not change the past, but to change the future of many people - easily.