10 secrets of multiplication of money Feng Shui:
1. Keep clean the vital place - the kitchen and hallway. Money does not come in dirty places.
2. Do not spend money on the first day of their arrival. In order not to make rash acts. Put them in a box or safe. And on the second day, you can start spending small amounts.
3. Purse should be red or with red décor.
4. Do not put anything in the purse lishnego.Tolko money and plastic cards (no photo and checks and other debris.)
5. Denominations lay at the offices of the purse on their nominal value.
6. It is advisable to count money with clean hands and in the morning.
7. In order to attract money to ask for money from the rich man and keep them in the form of fiat (this can be any amount, but it is better if it is a rich country currency)
8. Improve your ability to earn. Improve themselves can and should be at least two directions: in the profession and the ability to earn money in the financial markets (money - make money).
9. The money (100%), it is desirable to distribute in the same proportion: 50% -zhertvovat for a good cause, 25% -otlozhit for unforeseen expenses, 10% -nuzhdayuschimsya relatives and 15% -potratit themselves.
10. And most importantly, try to give more (and not live by the motto: "As much as possible to overcome itself"). And then you'll get twice as much.