How to successfully live: 8 rules

Rule 1: The world around us is not hostile and not good
He is that how we perceive it. All our failures and problems - only in ourselves. We often just exaggerate and blow up everything.
Rule 2. Take responsibility for your life over
No one else in the world you should not. Do not rely on someone else's uncle. No one except you will not take care of you. But on the other hand, you see much more interesting to watch how your actions reflect on your life.
Rule 3. Exit the cell
Cage is not outside of us, we can not get out of it because it's inside our heads. Reset blinders, exit the cell, look at the world with open eyes. You can reach all what you want. And that's just your desire. The only thing that does not need to move away after the first failure.
Rule 4. Law sinusoid
In life, there will always be more successful and less successful periods periods. Plus and minus depends on your perception of an event. After the recession will always rise. So it is always possible to receive the average plus.
Rule 5. Get a lot at once and all, is not easy
For objective reasons. Focus on the gradual increase in income. For example a good goal to double the current income.
Rule 6. Your current state is the result of your previous actions
The law of cause and effect has not been canceled. So think about what to do now that tomorrow the result was different?
Rule 7. Have a purpose in life
Without a goal would not come nowhere. Every day, look at how much you moved closer to his goal today? Monitor progress.
Rule 8. Do not only the work that you like
Who are the successful people? These are ordinary people who still do the job that which they do not really like it. Losers like cream just to shoot, but nothing for it to do.
The seller of a small shop attached at the entrance classified "Kittens."
RULES improve memory. Recommended!