The Bank of Russia has banned Bitcoins
On the Bank of Russia appeared official statement .
In this story Bitcoin in Russia can be considered finished. It is clear that enthusiasts and other interested people will continue to use them, but without the participation of legal entities in the development of "virtual currency" is not possible.
The full text of the statement:
On the use in transactions "virtual currency", in particular, Bitcoin
The Bank of Russia notes that in recent years in the world have a certain distribution of the so-called "virtual currency", in particular, Bitcoin. According to the "virtual currency" and there is no provision for them is legally bound to subjects. These operations are of a speculative nature, are carried out on the so-called "virtual stock exchanges" and carry a high risk of loss of value.
The Bank of Russia warns citizens and legal entities, primarily credit institutions and non-credit financial institutions, the use of "virtual currency" for them in exchange for goods (works, services) or cash in rubles and foreign currency.
According to Article 27 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" placing on the territory of the Russian Federation of surrogates is prohibited.
Due to the anonymous nature of the activity for the production of "virtual currency" unlimited range of subjects and to use them for transactions citizens and legal persons may be, including inadvertently involved in illegal activities, including the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, and the financing of terrorism.
The Bank of Russia has warned that Russian legal entities providing services for the exchange of "virtual currency" in rubles and foreign currency, as well as goods (works, services) will be considered as a potential involvement in the implementation of suspicious transactions in accordance with the law on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/210502/
In this story Bitcoin in Russia can be considered finished. It is clear that enthusiasts and other interested people will continue to use them, but without the participation of legal entities in the development of "virtual currency" is not possible.
The full text of the statement:
On the use in transactions "virtual currency", in particular, Bitcoin
The Bank of Russia notes that in recent years in the world have a certain distribution of the so-called "virtual currency", in particular, Bitcoin. According to the "virtual currency" and there is no provision for them is legally bound to subjects. These operations are of a speculative nature, are carried out on the so-called "virtual stock exchanges" and carry a high risk of loss of value.
The Bank of Russia warns citizens and legal entities, primarily credit institutions and non-credit financial institutions, the use of "virtual currency" for them in exchange for goods (works, services) or cash in rubles and foreign currency.
According to Article 27 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" placing on the territory of the Russian Federation of surrogates is prohibited.
Due to the anonymous nature of the activity for the production of "virtual currency" unlimited range of subjects and to use them for transactions citizens and legal persons may be, including inadvertently involved in illegal activities, including the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, and the financing of terrorism.
The Bank of Russia has warned that Russian legal entities providing services for the exchange of "virtual currency" in rubles and foreign currency, as well as goods (works, services) will be considered as a potential involvement in the implementation of suspicious transactions in accordance with the law on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/210502/