9 care technician from a direct question
1. You can ask another question or a similar question from a completely different field. Let you deem bad mannered - more peace of mind. Celebrities and politicians is how they treat the intrusive reporter's question.
2. If the matter is not quite correctly placed, it can be left unanswered. Pretend to not hear or did not understand what was going on. Fend question joke, humor is always appropriate.
3. If nature has endowed you the gift of eloquence, pour water. The more words to anything you are not binding, the better. Answer to a direct question as to confuse interlocutor. "Otzerkalte" question, mentally placing a person on the spot.
4. On the question of a given mass of clarifying questions. Do this with a sincere look on his face, to convince the person in interest. This discouraged opponent.
5. Find out why the other person asking the question. Their intended purpose? Goals are noble and low. So you completely turn your attention to your opponent.
6. If you do not want to answer a direct question or do not know the answer, flatter interlocutor, praising him for his quick wit and mind. Meanwhile, quietly put the conversation in another direction.
7. Offer to discuss the formulation of the question, reformulating it and gently moving the conversation of questioning
8. Ignore the awkward question or answer: "I do not know, I have not thought about it." Brazenly source said that you are not interested and "Instead talk about you».
9. Roughly tear off the companion, giving him to understand that he becomes permissible limits of decency. In a pinch, you can improve the tone and go to the conflict - the end justifies the means.
2. If the matter is not quite correctly placed, it can be left unanswered. Pretend to not hear or did not understand what was going on. Fend question joke, humor is always appropriate.
3. If nature has endowed you the gift of eloquence, pour water. The more words to anything you are not binding, the better. Answer to a direct question as to confuse interlocutor. "Otzerkalte" question, mentally placing a person on the spot.
4. On the question of a given mass of clarifying questions. Do this with a sincere look on his face, to convince the person in interest. This discouraged opponent.
5. Find out why the other person asking the question. Their intended purpose? Goals are noble and low. So you completely turn your attention to your opponent.
6. If you do not want to answer a direct question or do not know the answer, flatter interlocutor, praising him for his quick wit and mind. Meanwhile, quietly put the conversation in another direction.
7. Offer to discuss the formulation of the question, reformulating it and gently moving the conversation of questioning
8. Ignore the awkward question or answer: "I do not know, I have not thought about it." Brazenly source said that you are not interested and "Instead talk about you».
9. Roughly tear off the companion, giving him to understand that he becomes permissible limits of decency. In a pinch, you can improve the tone and go to the conflict - the end justifies the means.