What's the name Krapper become a household name

How would say the trustee charitable institutions Strawberries in Gogol's "The Inspector General": "Man is simple: if it dies, it dies and so; If healed, then so be healed. "
Nikolai, of course, making fun of the Russian provincial health care, but on the medical theme today who just never know, despite the undoubted medical advances - now in England for each patient is necessary for the doctor, and maybe not even one.
Do doctors have their own magazine, he is no stranger to the fashionable notion of "interactivity". Editorial British Medical Journal conducted among its readers an international survey - which can be considered the greatest achievement of the last hundred and fifty years?
Doctors voted for anesthesia for pain relief, which is understandable - it is easier to treat a man when he is not sick, or to operate when he sleeps.
In second place - antibiotics: ill swallowed recovered.
But came to the fore sanitation, specifically - water closet, the invention and introduction into our life which helped dramatically reduce infectious diseases and child mortality.
The first mention of the toilet was done three thousand six hundred years ago, in the Bible, in the Old Testament. Deuteronomy chapter 23 verse 12 and 13. Quote delicate, do read about latrine outside the camp and the blade, which must certainly have with.
In ancient Egypt, flush toilet appeared 2,500 years ago, tanks, however, has not yet been invented, use a bucket of water, but the ceramic pipes were.
There flushing toilets and in ancient Rome, there was built sewerage system called CLOXA MAXIMA. Now enlightened Europe was still walked in the darkness, the contents of chamber pots simply poured into the street from the window shouting "Beware water!»
The idea of public hygiene Europeans came only after many centuries. Godson of Queen Elizabeth the First, Sir John Harrington in 1596 wrote an article about the benefits of water closets and even built a prototype in the palace of Her Majesty, who were very happy - and the prototype and articles.
It took another three centuries and the enormous sacrifices - from a cholera epidemic in the mid-19th century in London, killing more than 20,000 people - to the Parliament passed a law on the construction of the capital's sewers.
America, now is heaved up as a model of all kinds of progress for a long time went to the boardwalk in the back of the toilet.
The soldiers, who came from the First World War, and had been in Europe, enthusiastically talked about some wonderful "Krappere" with drain handle and chain.
They remember the name of the manufacturer, adorned the seat and thus Krapper Thomas, who wanted commercial fame, has transformed its proud name in hereditary unbecoming verb, and then in the noun "crap", so common in modern American.
Inscrutable are the ways of men, ladies and gentlemen.
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