Parents, you can not!
"With the six-year daughter remember the heroes of the fairy tale" The Wizard of Oz. " She does not remember the Scarecrow. Do with her husband hints: frightens birds in the field. The daughter replied: Scarecrow, scarecrow. Trying to come up on the other end: And what he needed from the wizard? A: Brains. Us: So what was his name? Daughter: brainless scarecrow. Daughter in tears of helplessness, we have the whole evening Homeric laughter. »
- Brainless stuffed here - it's you, if bewildered laughs over a helpless child. And close to the psychological trauma. Your baby is developing well, caught the essence of the character - a scarecrow without a brain (in the original Scarecrow, a literal translation - scarecrow), and the fact that there nafantaziroval Wolves in an attempt to be original, it husks.