< Osho
When your heart is full of gratitude, any door that seems closed, can lead you to surprising discoveries.
Very few women have mastered the basics of Zen. Rengetsu - one of them. She makes a pilgrimage and came to the village at sunset. Rengetsu requested shelter for the night. But the villagers slammed the door in front of her. They must have been orthodox Buddhists and could not keep the woman of Zen, they kicked her out of the village. The night was cold, and the woman was left hungry and without shelter. Cherries in the field gave her shelter. The night was really cold, and she still could not sleep ... And it was dangerous - wild animals ... At midnight she woke up, shivering from the cold, he saw the night sky in spring blooming cherry blossom smiling misty moon. Overflowing, underdog beauty, she stood up and bowed in the direction of the village: "Thanks to them, I was left without an overnight stay, but found herself at night under the cherry blossom and misty moon!» With great sincerity she thanked those people who denied her lodging; because otherwise she would sleep under normal roof and would have missed these cherry blossoms, the whisper of flowers and the moon, and the silence of the night, a complete silence of the night. She was not angry, she took it, not only accepted, it welcomed it. She felt grateful.
Life is great, and every time it comes with a thousand and one gift for you. But you are so busy, so preoccupied with your willing mind, you are so full of your thoughts that you reject all these gifts. God comes time; and you continue to refuse.
A man becomes a Buddha at the time when he takes everything that life brings with gratitude.
When your heart is full of gratitude, any door that seems closed, can lead you to surprising discoveries.
Very few women have mastered the basics of Zen. Rengetsu - one of them. She makes a pilgrimage and came to the village at sunset. Rengetsu requested shelter for the night. But the villagers slammed the door in front of her. They must have been orthodox Buddhists and could not keep the woman of Zen, they kicked her out of the village. The night was cold, and the woman was left hungry and without shelter. Cherries in the field gave her shelter. The night was really cold, and she still could not sleep ... And it was dangerous - wild animals ... At midnight she woke up, shivering from the cold, he saw the night sky in spring blooming cherry blossom smiling misty moon. Overflowing, underdog beauty, she stood up and bowed in the direction of the village: "Thanks to them, I was left without an overnight stay, but found herself at night under the cherry blossom and misty moon!» With great sincerity she thanked those people who denied her lodging; because otherwise she would sleep under normal roof and would have missed these cherry blossoms, the whisper of flowers and the moon, and the silence of the night, a complete silence of the night. She was not angry, she took it, not only accepted, it welcomed it. She felt grateful.
Life is great, and every time it comes with a thousand and one gift for you. But you are so busy, so preoccupied with your willing mind, you are so full of your thoughts that you reject all these gifts. God comes time; and you continue to refuse.
A man becomes a Buddha at the time when he takes everything that life brings with gratitude.