Morning Glory
Morning Glory - cloud killer
Morning Glory (Eng. Morning glory - «morning splendor") - a rare meteorological phenomenon, the kind of clouds observed annually in the spring in the Gulf of Carpentaria in northern Australia, and less elsewhere. Clouds are a storm collar, which can reach 1,000 km in length, 2 km in height and move at a speed of 60 km / h.
Morning Glory is often accompanied by squalls, wind shear and pressure surges on the surface. Ahead of the cloud is a rapid vertical movement that moves air up and "spin" the cloud, and in the middle and back of the clouds the air descends. This creates a dangerous situation for the air flying aircraft.
The nature of this unique phenomenon is not fully understood, and there are several hypotheses. Someone said that a tornado is sleeping, someone - it's spiral arms cyclones, someone - they remind barrage gates, which sometimes occurs just before the storm.
The best place to observe these clouds - a neighborhood town Burktaun in Australia, and the best time - about September and October (Australian spring).

Morning Glory (Eng. Morning glory - «morning splendor") - a rare meteorological phenomenon, the kind of clouds observed annually in the spring in the Gulf of Carpentaria in northern Australia, and less elsewhere. Clouds are a storm collar, which can reach 1,000 km in length, 2 km in height and move at a speed of 60 km / h.
Morning Glory is often accompanied by squalls, wind shear and pressure surges on the surface. Ahead of the cloud is a rapid vertical movement that moves air up and "spin" the cloud, and in the middle and back of the clouds the air descends. This creates a dangerous situation for the air flying aircraft.

The nature of this unique phenomenon is not fully understood, and there are several hypotheses. Someone said that a tornado is sleeping, someone - it's spiral arms cyclones, someone - they remind barrage gates, which sometimes occurs just before the storm.

The best place to observe these clouds - a neighborhood town Burktaun in Australia, and the best time - about September and October (Australian spring).