Rare natural phenomena
As children, we all marveled at the blue sky, white clouds and bright stars. With age, many people it goes, and we cease to notice the nature. Look at the list of unusual natural phenomena, it will make sure you are once again surprised the complex organization of the world, and natural phenomena in particular.
In the Arctic, there are special icicles that hang under water and are a grave danger to the inhabitants of the ocean floor. The formation of this extraordinary icicles easily explained by science. Salt water freezes and turns into a little differently not icy firmament and into something akin to a porous wet washcloth. Icebergs literally permeated by small channels filled with salt water. In northern latitudes on the surface temperature may be -20 degrees Celsius, the temperature of the water is considerably higher - about -2 degrees. The heat from the ocean water rises up and heat a little iceberg to form a new ice. The salt of this ice is concentrated in the brine and out through small channels in the ocean. The density of the brine higher and lower temperatures, so it directs to the bottom of a continuous flow and freezes around itself seawater. A few hours stream covered with a thin crust of ice that looks like a stalactite. Upon reaching the bottom, "the finger of death" does not stop and continues to spread on the bottom. In 15 minutes, this structure is able to destroy all the unhurried living organisms in an area of a few meters.
There are many clouds, which have a special shape and specific reasons arise. Strange and unusual look vymyaobraznye, or tubular, clouds. They look at whether the sections of pipes, or the many hanging balls, hue which varies from white to blue-gray. The color depends on the thickness of the cloud. However, under special conditions (wet, dry air at the top and bottom) in the atmosphere begin to form cloud pockets filled bolshimi water droplets or ice crystals that are literally under his weight sink into the fresh air. This behavior of clouds associated with a turbulent movement of air masses. A turbulent air movement indicates proximity powerful storm front.
Misty rainbow - is another optical phenomena in the atmosphere, like the well-known over the rainbow. The phenomenon is a wide brilliant white arc. However, this kind of rainbow colored neutral, and you can not see it in the rain, and during fog. For the occurrence of misty rainbow required strict conditions. Droplets of water from which formed the mist must have a certain size - about 0 02 mm. However, due to the diffraction of light split the spectrum obtained is mixed and uniform white color.
Catatumbo Lightning - a natural phenomenon that occurs in the northwest of Venezuela, where the eponymous river empties into Lake Maracaibo. Above the confluence there is a regular storm activity: lightning in the clouds have almost 200 days a year, continuous storm session lasts about 10 hours. This is where the warm and humid air masses from the Caribbean to meet the cold air that comes down from the Andes, resulting in formation of eddies. Decaying organic numerous marshes emits methane gas. It improves the electrical conductivity of the cloud, causing lightning.
This phenomenon is much easier to see in a fantasy quest than in reality. It takes a lot of factors: the full moon must be low, the sky at the same time should be dark, and the lights should be positioned opposite the powerful waterfall, or to rain.
Gloria - another phenomenon linked to the diffraction of light in the clouds or fog droplets. This phenomenon is forecast to be found only when the light source is behind, and the reflected light returns from the cloud directly to the viewer. Gloria can be seen in the mountains as its own silhouette or during the flight of the aircraft as a shadow on the cloud.
The sea can turn into a lather in any part of the world, but most often it occurs in the southern hemisphere. In a few minutes the entire coast, home chairs and disappear suddenly appeared in the foam, which slowly dissolves in the sand. For the appearance of foam in sea water should be a large concentration of algae, salt and some waste. These components act as surfactants (such as shampoo in your bath) and reducing the surface tension at the interface between water and air. But the strong currents and the wind does not cost anything to whip all the ingredients into a rich foam and to make it meet stunned bathing.
In addition to lightning that we see from Earth, occur above thunderclouds powerful flash directed into space. They are divided into red sprites "blue jets" and elves. Shape and color flares depend on the height at which they occur. Unlike lightning, these flashes are characterized by a pronounced blue or red, and covers a distance of 100 km in length and diameter. This makes them an element of space weather, because in these areas originate auroras and meteors fly.
Water tornadoes look like a small tornado of water and, as a rule, they come under a cloud over the water surface. Although the part may seem that the water is literally sucked the liquid over the surface of a tornado is composed of water droplets formed by condensation.
This natural phenomenon occurs very rarely and under certain environmental conditions (temperature, air flow). It occurs when the column of hot, rising air interacts with the fire on the ground or becomes his cause. It is a vertical swirl of fire in the air.
Morning Glory - a rare meteorological phenomenon "storm collar", which is formed at the boundary of the advancing cold front. Downdraft forces warm moist air to rise and cool - as a result it cools below the dew point, and turns into a cloud. This occurs along the entire length of the front: the cloud turns up to 1000 km and also rotated about the longitudinal axis. Speed rolling cloud can reach 60 km / h, which heralds the heavy wind and bad weather in the direction of "collar».
Volcanic activity provides a very "nutritious" environment for an impressive discharges, and in several ways. An incredible amount of ejected volcanic dust and gas produces a dense stream of charged particles. This causes an electrostatic ionization and, as a consequence, very powerful and very frequent lightning, which try to neutralize the charge. There are two types of lightning: 1) spurting from the crater and its associated electrical processes in the magma, 2) taking place in the clouds, and the friction of volcanic ash.
Source: www.sooziq.com
In the Arctic, there are special icicles that hang under water and are a grave danger to the inhabitants of the ocean floor. The formation of this extraordinary icicles easily explained by science. Salt water freezes and turns into a little differently not icy firmament and into something akin to a porous wet washcloth. Icebergs literally permeated by small channels filled with salt water. In northern latitudes on the surface temperature may be -20 degrees Celsius, the temperature of the water is considerably higher - about -2 degrees. The heat from the ocean water rises up and heat a little iceberg to form a new ice. The salt of this ice is concentrated in the brine and out through small channels in the ocean. The density of the brine higher and lower temperatures, so it directs to the bottom of a continuous flow and freezes around itself seawater. A few hours stream covered with a thin crust of ice that looks like a stalactite. Upon reaching the bottom, "the finger of death" does not stop and continues to spread on the bottom. In 15 minutes, this structure is able to destroy all the unhurried living organisms in an area of a few meters.

There are many clouds, which have a special shape and specific reasons arise. Strange and unusual look vymyaobraznye, or tubular, clouds. They look at whether the sections of pipes, or the many hanging balls, hue which varies from white to blue-gray. The color depends on the thickness of the cloud. However, under special conditions (wet, dry air at the top and bottom) in the atmosphere begin to form cloud pockets filled bolshimi water droplets or ice crystals that are literally under his weight sink into the fresh air. This behavior of clouds associated with a turbulent movement of air masses. A turbulent air movement indicates proximity powerful storm front.

Misty rainbow - is another optical phenomena in the atmosphere, like the well-known over the rainbow. The phenomenon is a wide brilliant white arc. However, this kind of rainbow colored neutral, and you can not see it in the rain, and during fog. For the occurrence of misty rainbow required strict conditions. Droplets of water from which formed the mist must have a certain size - about 0 02 mm. However, due to the diffraction of light split the spectrum obtained is mixed and uniform white color.

Catatumbo Lightning - a natural phenomenon that occurs in the northwest of Venezuela, where the eponymous river empties into Lake Maracaibo. Above the confluence there is a regular storm activity: lightning in the clouds have almost 200 days a year, continuous storm session lasts about 10 hours. This is where the warm and humid air masses from the Caribbean to meet the cold air that comes down from the Andes, resulting in formation of eddies. Decaying organic numerous marshes emits methane gas. It improves the electrical conductivity of the cloud, causing lightning.

This phenomenon is much easier to see in a fantasy quest than in reality. It takes a lot of factors: the full moon must be low, the sky at the same time should be dark, and the lights should be positioned opposite the powerful waterfall, or to rain.

Gloria - another phenomenon linked to the diffraction of light in the clouds or fog droplets. This phenomenon is forecast to be found only when the light source is behind, and the reflected light returns from the cloud directly to the viewer. Gloria can be seen in the mountains as its own silhouette or during the flight of the aircraft as a shadow on the cloud.

The sea can turn into a lather in any part of the world, but most often it occurs in the southern hemisphere. In a few minutes the entire coast, home chairs and disappear suddenly appeared in the foam, which slowly dissolves in the sand. For the appearance of foam in sea water should be a large concentration of algae, salt and some waste. These components act as surfactants (such as shampoo in your bath) and reducing the surface tension at the interface between water and air. But the strong currents and the wind does not cost anything to whip all the ingredients into a rich foam and to make it meet stunned bathing.

In addition to lightning that we see from Earth, occur above thunderclouds powerful flash directed into space. They are divided into red sprites "blue jets" and elves. Shape and color flares depend on the height at which they occur. Unlike lightning, these flashes are characterized by a pronounced blue or red, and covers a distance of 100 km in length and diameter. This makes them an element of space weather, because in these areas originate auroras and meteors fly.

Water tornadoes look like a small tornado of water and, as a rule, they come under a cloud over the water surface. Although the part may seem that the water is literally sucked the liquid over the surface of a tornado is composed of water droplets formed by condensation.

This natural phenomenon occurs very rarely and under certain environmental conditions (temperature, air flow). It occurs when the column of hot, rising air interacts with the fire on the ground or becomes his cause. It is a vertical swirl of fire in the air.

Morning Glory - a rare meteorological phenomenon "storm collar", which is formed at the boundary of the advancing cold front. Downdraft forces warm moist air to rise and cool - as a result it cools below the dew point, and turns into a cloud. This occurs along the entire length of the front: the cloud turns up to 1000 km and also rotated about the longitudinal axis. Speed rolling cloud can reach 60 km / h, which heralds the heavy wind and bad weather in the direction of "collar».

Volcanic activity provides a very "nutritious" environment for an impressive discharges, and in several ways. An incredible amount of ejected volcanic dust and gas produces a dense stream of charged particles. This causes an electrostatic ionization and, as a consequence, very powerful and very frequent lightning, which try to neutralize the charge. There are two types of lightning: 1) spurting from the crater and its associated electrical processes in the magma, 2) taking place in the clouds, and the friction of volcanic ash.

Source: www.sooziq.com