Special Effects by Creator
How amazing and beautiful moments presents us with nature.
The most frequent phenomenon - a rainbow, sunset and sunrise.
But there are many more amazing things we do not even notice.
Morning Glory (Australia)
Clouds in the conventional sense pretty boring - simply the collection of condensate, all day traveling across the sky. But here in the skies over Australia's different: it is common to see a truly unusual clouds - Morning Glory. These clouds are composed of long tubular clusters of water vapor and sometimes reach 1000 km (no, this is not an error) in length and 300 m in height. In most parts of our world, they are extremely rare, but in the Gulf of Carpentaria in the dry season from August to November are the clouds - are frequent visitors. During this period, Morning Glory appears there every few days, and the entire season near the Gulf of duty pilots, for a small fee ready to take tourists on board, so they looked at Gloria height. The spectacle is worth it to climb into the sky - the air from the lower part of the cloud rises at high speed, and as a result there are insane beauty turbulent eddies.
Fire Falls (Yosemite National Park, USA)
No, it's not lava - so it would be too easy. Waterfall horse's tail (Horsetail Fall) lights up every February: within two weeks the sun's rays fall on it at an angle so that the waterfall looks like it is from the flames - a phenomenon often referred to as fiery-falls. Usually fiery-falls can be observed in all ten minutes at sunset when the clouds do not obscure the sky.
Photograph the fiery-falls hard, but, nevertheless, it has been a lot of photos, among which there are fake: in Yosemite for nearly a century, from 1872 to 1968-th year, gathered a group of people, inciting a giant bonfire and then discharging embers off a cliff Glacier Point. National Park Rangers eventually asked people to stop this occupation for some mysterious reason - in fact, why a person can not throw embers off a cliff? So now I have to be content with this fiery-falls in the fabulous moment when the sun's rays dancing on the water.
Miracle of Moses (South Korea)
Under the "miracle of Moses" is meant that for a very brief period in the spring, you can walk on the coastal waters around the small South Korean island - get a grasp: you can walk on water. About twice a year in the period from March to June, the coastline of the Yellow Sea is exposed due to the action of tidal forces, resulting in the place where the sea has recently prevailed, there strip of land about three miles in length, connecting the two islands - Jindi and Modo. Aisle width of 40 m remains open for only an hour, and at this time thousands of tourists enjoy the rare opportunity to walk through the sea. On the island of Jindi each year arranged a four-day festival dedicated to this event. "The miracle of Moses' phenomenon is named after similar events described in the Bible - Moses made the Red Sea to disperse: it can be said that the Bible indirectly contributed to the development of local tourism business. Koreans have their own story about the origin of the phenomenon of the Yellow Sea: it says that once on the island Jindi has bred a lot of bloodthirsty tiger, then all the people who lived on the island fled to Modo, believing that there is something no tigers - all except one old a woman who forgot to bring. She prayed to God of the Seas, so he created a path, and she, too, would leave for Modo - Moray God heeded her request, and the woman was saved. However, it can be assumed that the god of the seas has a specific sense of humor, or insufficient knowledge of the local fauna - the Tigers did not afraid of water.
Colored river (Colombia)
Most of the year the river Caño Kristalis in Colombia is an ordinary river: the water in it is clean and clear and the bottom is overgrown with green moss - beautiful, of course, but nothing special. However, within a short period from September to November, the river is starting to look a little different. In the autumn, due to the heat and sun, dull green moss blooms all imaginable shades like quaint carpet - Caño Kristalis gets so crazy paint that the people she is given the nickname "river flowing from Paradise." However, to see this beauty, have a long way: to fly in a small Colombian town of La Macarena, then make a short trip on the boat, and then walk to the river walk on the wild paths.
Turning pink at sunset mountain ranges (Italy)
Dolomites in northeast Italy have the unique property becomes pink under the rays of the setting sun - a phenomenon locals call Enrosadira (Enrosadira), which literally means "to become pink." Every evening the western slopes of the mountains are painted in different warm colors - from bright yellow to dark red or purple. This effect is made possible by the unusual composition of the mountains: the Dolomites are composed of the remains of ancient marine animals and magma from volcanic eruptions. The most impressive phenomenon looks in the summer, so if you've ever wondered whether God can paint the world in its sole discretion, add a summer trip to Italy in your list.
Crystal clear flood (Austria)
Green Lake in Austria is more than just a body of water, lost somewhere in the middle of the Hochschwab mountain range, although most of the year does not exceed the depth of the lake two meters, and around it grows a lot of greens, and there are hiking trails that make this place ideal for hiking. But so it remains only in the winter, while the snow lies on the slopes of the mountains in summer the snow melts, and a huge amount of water cascades rushes in lakeside valley, creating a wonderful water world. Now the depth of the lake is updated Green about 12 meters - the water in it is so pure that if you do not notice the ripples that initially did not even realize that all paths and greens are under water, and benches and bridges look like toys in the aquarium. So the flood, which in most places on the planet becomes a catastrophe for the people, for the benefit of Austria soon - in the summer here attracts hundreds of tourists, mostly divers. And really - see underwater landscapes that seem to be a common ground, it is extremely interesting. A peak depth of the lake is in the middle of summer, so that the next time you plan your vacation will become, so keep that in mind.
Source: www.publy.ru
The most frequent phenomenon - a rainbow, sunset and sunrise.
But there are many more amazing things we do not even notice.

Morning Glory (Australia)
Clouds in the conventional sense pretty boring - simply the collection of condensate, all day traveling across the sky. But here in the skies over Australia's different: it is common to see a truly unusual clouds - Morning Glory. These clouds are composed of long tubular clusters of water vapor and sometimes reach 1000 km (no, this is not an error) in length and 300 m in height. In most parts of our world, they are extremely rare, but in the Gulf of Carpentaria in the dry season from August to November are the clouds - are frequent visitors. During this period, Morning Glory appears there every few days, and the entire season near the Gulf of duty pilots, for a small fee ready to take tourists on board, so they looked at Gloria height. The spectacle is worth it to climb into the sky - the air from the lower part of the cloud rises at high speed, and as a result there are insane beauty turbulent eddies.
Fire Falls (Yosemite National Park, USA)
No, it's not lava - so it would be too easy. Waterfall horse's tail (Horsetail Fall) lights up every February: within two weeks the sun's rays fall on it at an angle so that the waterfall looks like it is from the flames - a phenomenon often referred to as fiery-falls. Usually fiery-falls can be observed in all ten minutes at sunset when the clouds do not obscure the sky.
Photograph the fiery-falls hard, but, nevertheless, it has been a lot of photos, among which there are fake: in Yosemite for nearly a century, from 1872 to 1968-th year, gathered a group of people, inciting a giant bonfire and then discharging embers off a cliff Glacier Point. National Park Rangers eventually asked people to stop this occupation for some mysterious reason - in fact, why a person can not throw embers off a cliff? So now I have to be content with this fiery-falls in the fabulous moment when the sun's rays dancing on the water.

Miracle of Moses (South Korea)

Under the "miracle of Moses" is meant that for a very brief period in the spring, you can walk on the coastal waters around the small South Korean island - get a grasp: you can walk on water. About twice a year in the period from March to June, the coastline of the Yellow Sea is exposed due to the action of tidal forces, resulting in the place where the sea has recently prevailed, there strip of land about three miles in length, connecting the two islands - Jindi and Modo. Aisle width of 40 m remains open for only an hour, and at this time thousands of tourists enjoy the rare opportunity to walk through the sea. On the island of Jindi each year arranged a four-day festival dedicated to this event. "The miracle of Moses' phenomenon is named after similar events described in the Bible - Moses made the Red Sea to disperse: it can be said that the Bible indirectly contributed to the development of local tourism business. Koreans have their own story about the origin of the phenomenon of the Yellow Sea: it says that once on the island Jindi has bred a lot of bloodthirsty tiger, then all the people who lived on the island fled to Modo, believing that there is something no tigers - all except one old a woman who forgot to bring. She prayed to God of the Seas, so he created a path, and she, too, would leave for Modo - Moray God heeded her request, and the woman was saved. However, it can be assumed that the god of the seas has a specific sense of humor, or insufficient knowledge of the local fauna - the Tigers did not afraid of water.
Colored river (Colombia)

Most of the year the river Caño Kristalis in Colombia is an ordinary river: the water in it is clean and clear and the bottom is overgrown with green moss - beautiful, of course, but nothing special. However, within a short period from September to November, the river is starting to look a little different. In the autumn, due to the heat and sun, dull green moss blooms all imaginable shades like quaint carpet - Caño Kristalis gets so crazy paint that the people she is given the nickname "river flowing from Paradise." However, to see this beauty, have a long way: to fly in a small Colombian town of La Macarena, then make a short trip on the boat, and then walk to the river walk on the wild paths.
Turning pink at sunset mountain ranges (Italy)

Dolomites in northeast Italy have the unique property becomes pink under the rays of the setting sun - a phenomenon locals call Enrosadira (Enrosadira), which literally means "to become pink." Every evening the western slopes of the mountains are painted in different warm colors - from bright yellow to dark red or purple. This effect is made possible by the unusual composition of the mountains: the Dolomites are composed of the remains of ancient marine animals and magma from volcanic eruptions. The most impressive phenomenon looks in the summer, so if you've ever wondered whether God can paint the world in its sole discretion, add a summer trip to Italy in your list.
Crystal clear flood (Austria)

Green Lake in Austria is more than just a body of water, lost somewhere in the middle of the Hochschwab mountain range, although most of the year does not exceed the depth of the lake two meters, and around it grows a lot of greens, and there are hiking trails that make this place ideal for hiking. But so it remains only in the winter, while the snow lies on the slopes of the mountains in summer the snow melts, and a huge amount of water cascades rushes in lakeside valley, creating a wonderful water world. Now the depth of the lake is updated Green about 12 meters - the water in it is so pure that if you do not notice the ripples that initially did not even realize that all paths and greens are under water, and benches and bridges look like toys in the aquarium. So the flood, which in most places on the planet becomes a catastrophe for the people, for the benefit of Austria soon - in the summer here attracts hundreds of tourists, mostly divers. And really - see underwater landscapes that seem to be a common ground, it is extremely interesting. A peak depth of the lake is in the middle of summer, so that the next time you plan your vacation will become, so keep that in mind.
Source: www.publy.ru