new life
1. Start the day with a smile. Nothing better than a positive charge.
2. Drink a glass of water before breakfast.
3. Start the run.
4. Give up cigarettes and alcohol.
5. Learn how to plan for the day ahead.
6. Every day, eat several fresh fruits or vegetables.
7. Think positive.
8. Keep your posture, walk straight.
9. do morning exercises.
10. Eat fractional: 4-5 times a day at the same time.
11. Forget the elevator. Ascend and descend on foot.
12. In the morning, take a contrast shower - it helps to wake up no worse than a cup of strong coffee.
13. Get enough sleep. Teach yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time.
14. Arrange daily walks in the fresh air.
15. Prepare your clothes for the day in the evening.
16. Once a year, go through the general medical examination.
17. Immediately write down interesting ideas and useful ideas come to mind.
18. Drink plenty of pure, still water: not less than 1500 ml per day.
19. Ventilate the room before going to bed. Sleep in the shade.
20. Every day, pay clean room for 15 minutes.
21. Pamper yourself pleasant shopping, beauty treatments or just a good movie reviews in pleasant company - a powerful positive charge.
22. Wash before bedtime.
23. Get a home accounting software. Take control of costs.
24. Returning home from work, give yourself 15 minutes to relax with pleasant music.
25. Once a week, visit the bath or sauna.
26. Think about what you eat. Eliminate from your diet of fast food and other junk food.
27. Stay a week vegetarian. Or maybe you will like it!
28. Learn the method of "touch-typing" on the keyboard.
29. Be punctual.
30. Tell people compliments, be friendly.
31. Exercise 2-3 times a week for 1 hour.
32. Train your brain: learn poems, crossword puzzles, play chess.
33. Teach 10 foreign words every day.
34. Every day, pay to read at least 30 minutes.
35. Call the parents loved and just.
36. Take yoga or breathing exercises.
37. Keep a personal diary and write to all of their achievements and successes.
38. expressed himself beautifully and intelligently. Watch the speech. Eliminate from the vocabulary of swear words, and words-parasites.
39. Photograph bright events.
40. Do exercises for the eyes.
41. Every day, eat dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese, plain yogurt, kefir.
42. Go to the grain breads.
43. House not stay too long at the computer for more than 2 hours.
44 feet poured cold water - it is an excellent tempering procedures.
45. Use only high-quality cosmetics.
46. Throw away from home all rubbish.
47. Learn new every day learn something interesting.
48. Drink fresh juices.
49. Spend the weekend with benefit: get out into nature, ride on the tour, enjoy the new scenery and meeting new people.
50. Think only about the good. Remember dreams - not an escape from reality, but a means to approach her.