Span through the stone gates
BASE jumping - parachuting Extreme kind, which is characterized in that the jumps are made from fixed objects. Jumps are made in special suits wingsuit (pictured), which provide the athlete "wings", by which he can control the flight. Today we will see how experienced athletes to make a flight to the beautiful mountains of Italy, at a speed of 150 km / h.
Fly to Italy. Making movies and drink wine! Approaching to Milan, right here offers a view of the Alps. We are there!
After landing, we rent a comfortable minibus and immediately go to the mountains.
The mountains are beautiful and excellent road paved.
The main purpose of our trip - a documentary film for the Federal Space Agency "Roskosmos". The film will be a long and serious, he shall go out after about six months.
The film crew and writers - Natalia and Konstantin Burtsev Kolodyazhni. Characters in the film - the athletes / jumpers / beysdzhampery Gleb Vorevodin and Ratmir Nagimyanov.
Italy is chosen for filming because of the easily accessible exit with stunningly beautiful views all around. Exit (exit) - this is the place from which you jump down.
It happens to the most popular spots queue of wanting to jump. In the summer of up to 20 people.
Exit Monte Brento lets jump from performing acrobatics in suits wingsuit, as well as to the route he has to fly along the cliffs.
In such a suit can be a long and far to fly at a speed of 130-160 km / h
It is important to choose a safe and free point of landing. European farmers do not like when their garden land without warning.
In this jump Ratmir 500-th, they Gleb fly along the cliffs.
Before landing must find time to unzip the hands and feet.
to touchdown fly about 3 km, decreasing by 1 km down.
The most experienced local beysdzhamperov - Mauri. He has more than 2,500 jumps.
Mauri turns somersaults, Ratmir removes the camera.
Another exit is located high in the mountains. On the slope below the point of separation of rocks form the gate.
Lift up the mountain did not work and we had to climb up a few times on foot.
slope was a little steep for our regular shoes
The place was even dangerous.
but the top is opened here is a beautiful view:
dressing man beysera:
Jump down, span through the gate, and then over the forest and landing
After the jump guys, I stayed on the top one. Sat and thought how I get down.
Soon came the birds. I had to give them a part of their food.
After the descent, we all went back to the apartment on the shore of the lake with the view from the window:
Source: pitalenko.livejournal.com

Fly to Italy. Making movies and drink wine! Approaching to Milan, right here offers a view of the Alps. We are there!

After landing, we rent a comfortable minibus and immediately go to the mountains.

The mountains are beautiful and excellent road paved.

The main purpose of our trip - a documentary film for the Federal Space Agency "Roskosmos". The film will be a long and serious, he shall go out after about six months.

The film crew and writers - Natalia and Konstantin Burtsev Kolodyazhni. Characters in the film - the athletes / jumpers / beysdzhampery Gleb Vorevodin and Ratmir Nagimyanov.

Italy is chosen for filming because of the easily accessible exit with stunningly beautiful views all around. Exit (exit) - this is the place from which you jump down.

It happens to the most popular spots queue of wanting to jump. In the summer of up to 20 people.

Exit Monte Brento lets jump from performing acrobatics in suits wingsuit, as well as to the route he has to fly along the cliffs.

In such a suit can be a long and far to fly at a speed of 130-160 km / h

It is important to choose a safe and free point of landing. European farmers do not like when their garden land without warning.

In this jump Ratmir 500-th, they Gleb fly along the cliffs.

Before landing must find time to unzip the hands and feet.

to touchdown fly about 3 km, decreasing by 1 km down.

The most experienced local beysdzhamperov - Mauri. He has more than 2,500 jumps.

Mauri turns somersaults, Ratmir removes the camera.

Another exit is located high in the mountains. On the slope below the point of separation of rocks form the gate.

Lift up the mountain did not work and we had to climb up a few times on foot.

slope was a little steep for our regular shoes

The place was even dangerous.

but the top is opened here is a beautiful view:

dressing man beysera:

Jump down, span through the gate, and then over the forest and landing


After the jump guys, I stayed on the top one. Sat and thought how I get down.

Soon came the birds. I had to give them a part of their food.

After the descent, we all went back to the apartment on the shore of the lake with the view from the window:

Source: pitalenko.livejournal.com