The American Film Institute
American Film Institute - an independent, nonprofit organization founded in 1967. Every year, it provides the media list of the best films and television series for 2013. The ceremony of awarding the creators of these films and TV shows will be held January 10, 2014 in Los Angeles.
This year, the top ten films entered the picture:
"12 years of slavery»
"American Hustle»
"Captain Phillips»
"Station" Frutveyl »
"Inside Llewyn Davis»
"The Wolf of Wall Street»
"Saving Mr. Banks»
The best series of the outgoing year according to the American Film Institute are:
"Game of Thrones»
"Mad Men»
"Breaking Bad»
"Proper wife»
"House of Cards»
"Masters of Sex»
"Vice President»
"Orange - the new black».
By the way, the TV series "Game of Thrones" this year became the leader and all sorts of other ratings, including received the title of most downloaded TV series on torrent trackers.
This year, the top ten films entered the picture:
"12 years of slavery»
"American Hustle»
"Captain Phillips»
"Station" Frutveyl »
"Inside Llewyn Davis»
"The Wolf of Wall Street»
"Saving Mr. Banks»

The best series of the outgoing year according to the American Film Institute are:
"Game of Thrones»
"Mad Men»
"Breaking Bad»
"Proper wife»
"House of Cards»
"Masters of Sex»
"Vice President»
"Orange - the new black».

By the way, the TV series "Game of Thrones" this year became the leader and all sorts of other ratings, including received the title of most downloaded TV series on torrent trackers.