Microsoft sells products souvenirs with the logo of Google

Microsoft is selling souvenirs on your сайте
Microsoft subtly alludes to the fact that Google is too curious in relation to the personal data of users: «Keep calm while we steal your data».
In the интервью Ad Age Microsoft spokesman said that for them it is not a way to make money, but only express a desire to help users to express their attitude to Google: «The Scroogled gear is a fun way for them to do that».
We are waiting for a reciprocal course Google.
Upd: It is not waiting. Thank sc_raptor , Google has said. Free translation sc_raptor : «futuristic wearable Google Glass, all the" wearable "Soup Microsoft is not more than a few models of clothes." In < a href="http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-google-responds-microsoft-scroogled-merchandise-20131121, 0, 3090744.story "> link original.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/203244/