Air hockey - DIY (46 pics + 1 video)
All fans of the popular game of air hockey have to like this post.
One craftsman decided to please his son, who loves active board games.
He fashioned his own hands an air hockey table.
Let's look at his work.
1. Air duct. To the lower part of the air we require plywood boxes 9 mm, while the upper four strips of laminate flooring. The size of the box will 1210h770 mm. Cut the desired piece of plywood slightly larger than the size of the laminate (2-3 mm).
2. laminate strips are interconnected "in hard hook" provided plates. Incidentally laminate not chosen by chance. Before there were thought to make the basis of plywood, boards, furniture panels, chipboard / MDF / MDF. But all were rejected due to low strength and softness of the material suspected damage during drilling (the holes should be small and flat!).
3. Mark up the grid for drilling holes. From each edge back down to 30 mm (this is the size of each side) and 10 mm in order not to make any unnecessary holes in the border. Step chose between holes 20 mm.
4. Take a drill and drill 2,200 holes. The diameter of each hole of 1, 5 mm. This is the most time-consuming and tedious operation in the construction of the table. She ate about 4 hours of my life, and four drill. Total 7 drills used (fast tupilis). Did everything in the bathroom, for a mess nemerenno (since then remove laziness). Then awl expanded all openings on the back side of the laminate.
5. Bought two rail 45h15 3m and cut into 4 pieces (strictly on the size of plywood). It will have bumpers air ducts.
6. Drill holes in the plywood (required, otherwise it will crack) and the rails and put it all on the screws from the bottom (can be nailed without drilling, but then you have to bite the nails sharp end pliers). Generally, there will have to be drilled to a fig so that the drill you will dream for a long time. Anecdote to this topic: Today me neighbor at 3am ... I knocked out of fear a little punch with it falling out ...
7. Electronics. Roemsya a different computer trash and find 6 fans of different power and the power button.
8. Also take the power supply from an old scanner. Features PSU 12V 1, 25A.
9. To summarize the consumption of the fans 0, 25 + 0, 22 + 0, 22 + 0, 12 + 0, 12 + 0, 12 = 1, 05A. Yeah, there is still margin for backlight LEDs gate - it's good!
10. Mark up the holes and place for fans screws. Drill holes for the fans and mounting holes for these fans.
11. Kote younger son came to help.
12. grind file the edges of the holes and fasten fans. Long strips on the plywood marked the joints sheets of laminate.
13. As the design gets heavy and the bottom of the table have to be space for air leaks, I bought 5 rubber feet (stops the door). They are made of a very durable rubber and will help keep the table stable. The photo leg with a screw threaded through it.
14. Fasten the switch and a supply wires from the power supply to it.
15. Planting fan wires to the terminals.
16. flying leads to the gate and sticking tape LED. Solder and check. Fill soldering glue gun.
17. The remainder of sawing planks 45h15mm 9 pieces and fasten the bottom screws at the seams of the laminate. Also plant the rubber feet on the bottom screws and fasten inside the nut and lock nut. It turns out that's such a picture. Wire the power supply is included in the table in the lower right corner.
18. Take a conventional sealant (I have sanitary transparent) and coat with all the cracks around the edges, and the fans on the edge. Also glue dangling wires and wire the power supply to the plywood glue gun. "You're stuck wheel? - Yeah, all night glued. In the morning the owner glue will come. © Boomer »
19. It turns out like this.
20. Buy a rail-rim 30h15 mm 2mh2 piece. and cut to the desired part (strictly on the size of plywood) and reserve a place in the gate. Laminate connect and put on the table, previously missed rack attached to the plywood on top of the sealant (also smear all 9 muffin seams laminate). Drill a hole through the whole hamburger and fastened with screws.
21. For the beauty and strength of the rim, I took two mirror-polished aluminum corner 30h15 mm 2 meters long. Sawed.
22. Try on. By the way, on the left in the photo a great device for the knees - I recommend.
23. Senior Assistant.
24. Then take the adhesive film of similar color.
25. And sticking to the perimeter. The bottom margin of 1, 5 cm at the top of 0, 5-1 cm.
26. It turns out like this.
27. Top strap and the film will be on double-sided tape (to the plywood and wood is not very sticky, but it will keep the area).
28. A bottom bracket pripechatyvaem furniture.
29. That's it.
30. General view of the bottom.
31. Fasten the metal brackets to the sides.
32. The children said ready, selected table, demanded bits and washer. Gave the play a little bit.
33. Gate. Plywood cut into several pieces.
34. Putting a clamp, drill the holes and the screws are screwed.
35. Putting the gate. Try on the table.
36. General view of the gate.
37. Highlighting the gate from the inside in the dark.
38. The design of the gates close.
39. When checking the gate drive with a strong contact with the gate bounce off the soft wood (bars) and flew back on the table. To remedy the defect in the double-sided tape glue remnants of aluminum strips to the inclined rail just behind the gate.
40. Sticking all the same film at the gate. Trim unnecessary.
41. Here we get two such device. I did not specifically hang inside the film, because there is a constant deterioration of the wall plate and the film just broken. Instead duty carpet in the background observing colorful sofa.
42. Fasten the gates on the table. From above they are made with the "door" so that you can easily get the puck. When you close the door on the latch falls / stroke limiter (normal small screw inside the gate). This "door" is to bounce the puck. It is fixed at its aluminum plate.
43. General view of the table.
44. We take bits and washers. As washers used a small compact disc and cover from the lens.
45. The product is ready to eat!
46. Actually gameplay (children taken away at the gate under construction):
Production time: a sketch plan, meditation, buy everything you need - 2 days. Postoico 2-3 hours in the evening Wed-Thu-Fri and two full days of Saturday and Sunday. Ie missed the week.
And, perhaps, the most exciting of many question - the money:
9mm plywood 1525h1525mm - 569 rubles. Remains will be used for dollhouse for my daughter / mother.
Laminate - remnants from the replacement of the floor. Still remains - who should write to the PM.
IKEA pencils - free of charge. They really need a lot when applying grid.
Drills -7 pcs. x 6 rubles = 42 rubles.
Reiki 2h79 rubles = 158 rubles.
Reiki 2h55 rubles = 110 rubles.
Fans - were removed from the various faulty equipment or remained on the PC repair.
Rubber feet 5h79 rubles = 395 rubles.
Switch (small size) - 180 rubles. I bought a couple of years ago for a dollhouse.
Wire terminals, clamps, glue stick, screws, staples - trivia rubles for 100.
LED Strip Light 12V - 99 rubles. There are still 4 pieces for the dollhouse.
Spray sealant - 100 rubles. Still a lot left.
Aluminum Area 689 rubh2 = 1378 rubles.
Double-sided tape - 60 rubles.
Film - 119 rubles. 1 meter. More than half did not used.
Bits 2x125 rubles = 250 rubles. Find in stock in Moscow was quite difficult. I know where to buy - write in a personal.
As the first puck was tested 8 cm CD, but was killed on the second day (split). Now we use the cover from the lens.
Help son x 2 pcs., Daughter 1 pc. - Priceless.
Total: 3560 rubles.
The cheapest air hockey this size in stores starting at 5-5, 5 thousand.
Fan power is enough for the smooth running of the CD. Cover the lens holding is not very good, but for heavier "pancake" we need more fans. Soon buy real Air Hockey Pucks and check on it.
In fact, information on the construction of air hockey with his hands on the internet enough to swear, so basically all I came up with myself.
Naturally, you can save money on materials, and it will cost you much less. For example, instead of mirror strips 700 rub. / Pcs. can be nailed to the sides of a strip of sheet metal, plywood or find in the garbage (saving 1378 + 569 = 1947 rubles.), but I wanted to get a good, high-quality and beautiful product, and what I got.
That's all. Thank you for your attention!
Source: www.liveinternet.ru
One craftsman decided to please his son, who loves active board games.
He fashioned his own hands an air hockey table.
Let's look at his work.

1. Air duct. To the lower part of the air we require plywood boxes 9 mm, while the upper four strips of laminate flooring. The size of the box will 1210h770 mm. Cut the desired piece of plywood slightly larger than the size of the laminate (2-3 mm).

2. laminate strips are interconnected "in hard hook" provided plates. Incidentally laminate not chosen by chance. Before there were thought to make the basis of plywood, boards, furniture panels, chipboard / MDF / MDF. But all were rejected due to low strength and softness of the material suspected damage during drilling (the holes should be small and flat!).

3. Mark up the grid for drilling holes. From each edge back down to 30 mm (this is the size of each side) and 10 mm in order not to make any unnecessary holes in the border. Step chose between holes 20 mm.

4. Take a drill and drill 2,200 holes. The diameter of each hole of 1, 5 mm. This is the most time-consuming and tedious operation in the construction of the table. She ate about 4 hours of my life, and four drill. Total 7 drills used (fast tupilis). Did everything in the bathroom, for a mess nemerenno (since then remove laziness). Then awl expanded all openings on the back side of the laminate.

5. Bought two rail 45h15 3m and cut into 4 pieces (strictly on the size of plywood). It will have bumpers air ducts.

6. Drill holes in the plywood (required, otherwise it will crack) and the rails and put it all on the screws from the bottom (can be nailed without drilling, but then you have to bite the nails sharp end pliers). Generally, there will have to be drilled to a fig so that the drill you will dream for a long time. Anecdote to this topic: Today me neighbor at 3am ... I knocked out of fear a little punch with it falling out ...

7. Electronics. Roemsya a different computer trash and find 6 fans of different power and the power button.

8. Also take the power supply from an old scanner. Features PSU 12V 1, 25A.

9. To summarize the consumption of the fans 0, 25 + 0, 22 + 0, 22 + 0, 12 + 0, 12 + 0, 12 = 1, 05A. Yeah, there is still margin for backlight LEDs gate - it's good!

10. Mark up the holes and place for fans screws. Drill holes for the fans and mounting holes for these fans.

11. Kote younger son came to help.

12. grind file the edges of the holes and fasten fans. Long strips on the plywood marked the joints sheets of laminate.

13. As the design gets heavy and the bottom of the table have to be space for air leaks, I bought 5 rubber feet (stops the door). They are made of a very durable rubber and will help keep the table stable. The photo leg with a screw threaded through it.

14. Fasten the switch and a supply wires from the power supply to it.

15. Planting fan wires to the terminals.

16. flying leads to the gate and sticking tape LED. Solder and check. Fill soldering glue gun.

17. The remainder of sawing planks 45h15mm 9 pieces and fasten the bottom screws at the seams of the laminate. Also plant the rubber feet on the bottom screws and fasten inside the nut and lock nut. It turns out that's such a picture. Wire the power supply is included in the table in the lower right corner.

18. Take a conventional sealant (I have sanitary transparent) and coat with all the cracks around the edges, and the fans on the edge. Also glue dangling wires and wire the power supply to the plywood glue gun. "You're stuck wheel? - Yeah, all night glued. In the morning the owner glue will come. © Boomer »

19. It turns out like this.

20. Buy a rail-rim 30h15 mm 2mh2 piece. and cut to the desired part (strictly on the size of plywood) and reserve a place in the gate. Laminate connect and put on the table, previously missed rack attached to the plywood on top of the sealant (also smear all 9 muffin seams laminate). Drill a hole through the whole hamburger and fastened with screws.

21. For the beauty and strength of the rim, I took two mirror-polished aluminum corner 30h15 mm 2 meters long. Sawed.

22. Try on. By the way, on the left in the photo a great device for the knees - I recommend.

23. Senior Assistant.

24. Then take the adhesive film of similar color.

25. And sticking to the perimeter. The bottom margin of 1, 5 cm at the top of 0, 5-1 cm.

26. It turns out like this.

27. Top strap and the film will be on double-sided tape (to the plywood and wood is not very sticky, but it will keep the area).

28. A bottom bracket pripechatyvaem furniture.

29. That's it.

30. General view of the bottom.

31. Fasten the metal brackets to the sides.

32. The children said ready, selected table, demanded bits and washer. Gave the play a little bit.

33. Gate. Plywood cut into several pieces.

34. Putting a clamp, drill the holes and the screws are screwed.

35. Putting the gate. Try on the table.

36. General view of the gate.

37. Highlighting the gate from the inside in the dark.

38. The design of the gates close.

39. When checking the gate drive with a strong contact with the gate bounce off the soft wood (bars) and flew back on the table. To remedy the defect in the double-sided tape glue remnants of aluminum strips to the inclined rail just behind the gate.

40. Sticking all the same film at the gate. Trim unnecessary.

41. Here we get two such device. I did not specifically hang inside the film, because there is a constant deterioration of the wall plate and the film just broken. Instead duty carpet in the background observing colorful sofa.

42. Fasten the gates on the table. From above they are made with the "door" so that you can easily get the puck. When you close the door on the latch falls / stroke limiter (normal small screw inside the gate). This "door" is to bounce the puck. It is fixed at its aluminum plate.

43. General view of the table.

44. We take bits and washers. As washers used a small compact disc and cover from the lens.

45. The product is ready to eat!

46. Actually gameplay (children taken away at the gate under construction):
Production time: a sketch plan, meditation, buy everything you need - 2 days. Postoico 2-3 hours in the evening Wed-Thu-Fri and two full days of Saturday and Sunday. Ie missed the week.
And, perhaps, the most exciting of many question - the money:
9mm plywood 1525h1525mm - 569 rubles. Remains will be used for dollhouse for my daughter / mother.
Laminate - remnants from the replacement of the floor. Still remains - who should write to the PM.
IKEA pencils - free of charge. They really need a lot when applying grid.
Drills -7 pcs. x 6 rubles = 42 rubles.
Reiki 2h79 rubles = 158 rubles.
Reiki 2h55 rubles = 110 rubles.
Fans - were removed from the various faulty equipment or remained on the PC repair.
Rubber feet 5h79 rubles = 395 rubles.
Switch (small size) - 180 rubles. I bought a couple of years ago for a dollhouse.
Wire terminals, clamps, glue stick, screws, staples - trivia rubles for 100.
LED Strip Light 12V - 99 rubles. There are still 4 pieces for the dollhouse.
Spray sealant - 100 rubles. Still a lot left.
Aluminum Area 689 rubh2 = 1378 rubles.
Double-sided tape - 60 rubles.
Film - 119 rubles. 1 meter. More than half did not used.
Bits 2x125 rubles = 250 rubles. Find in stock in Moscow was quite difficult. I know where to buy - write in a personal.
As the first puck was tested 8 cm CD, but was killed on the second day (split). Now we use the cover from the lens.
Help son x 2 pcs., Daughter 1 pc. - Priceless.
Total: 3560 rubles.
The cheapest air hockey this size in stores starting at 5-5, 5 thousand.
Fan power is enough for the smooth running of the CD. Cover the lens holding is not very good, but for heavier "pancake" we need more fans. Soon buy real Air Hockey Pucks and check on it.
In fact, information on the construction of air hockey with his hands on the internet enough to swear, so basically all I came up with myself.
Naturally, you can save money on materials, and it will cost you much less. For example, instead of mirror strips 700 rub. / Pcs. can be nailed to the sides of a strip of sheet metal, plywood or find in the garbage (saving 1378 + 569 = 1947 rubles.), but I wanted to get a good, high-quality and beautiful product, and what I got.
That's all. Thank you for your attention!
Source: www.liveinternet.ru