Pavlik Morozov. Life is full of feats

November 14, 1918 born Pavlik - perhaps the most famous pioneer-hero. To this date we have gathered together the five main facts from the biography of a boy, went down in history traitor own relatives.
Pavel Morozov was born in the village of Gerasimovka Turin county Tobolsk Province. Mother of the future "hero", according to friends, was "a comely person, and very kind." His father Trofim wife and their children often Tapping. And then completely abandoned the family, having gone to another woman who lived nearby. The Soviet government gave Trofim Morozov as head of the local agricultural council. Positions that he openly abused: he took himself the things confiscated from the dispossessed, and traded certificates allowing to leave "kulaks" to the place of exile. At one of these certificates, and Trofim Morozov was caught in 1931. It took the investigation and trial. A witness at the trial was a 13-year-old Pavlik, he gave evidence against his father. Here is an excerpt of them:
"Uncle, my father worked explicit counter-revolution, I as a pioneer is obliged to say this, my father did not advocate October, and makes every effort to assist the fist to escape, was for him the mountain, and I do not like a son, but as a pioneer request to prosecute my father, for in the future not to hide the habits of other fist and clearly violate the party line, and still add that my father is now assign kulak property, took the bed fist Kulukanova Arseny (sister's husband T. Morozov and godfather Paul) and he wanted ... take a haystack. "
Trofim Morozov was found guilty and gave him 10 years in the camps. The indictment stated:
"As chairman of the village council, was friends with his fists, sheltered from taxation on their economy and on the withdrawal from the village council helped to escape by selling special settlers documents."
Trofim Morozov was aimed at the construction of the White Sea Canal. Three years later, he was released - "for shock work". Upon his release, he settled in Tyumen.

Pavlik Morozov (center, wearing a cap) with his classmates; next to the flag - Danila Morozov (1930)
Teacher Paul thought of poverty in their village:
"The school, which was in charge, working in two shifts. On the radio, electricity, and then we had no idea evenings sitting at Lucino, kerosene cherished. Black and it was not, wrote beet juice. Poverty in general was terrible. When we, the teachers began to walk home, record their children to school, it was found that many do not have any duds. Children in the loft sitting naked, sheltering some some rags. Kids climbed into the oven and there basking in the ash. We organized a hut-reading room, but there were almost no books, very rarely come local newspapers. "
In such difficult conditions, Paul Morozov had to support his family, after the departure of his father he was a senior man in the house.
After Pavlik's father put the boy made a number of more "exploits" in relation to their loved ones. He said "where necessary" for bread, which hid neighbor. His aunt accused her husband of stealing state grain and said that some of the abducted is his grandfather. He told me that his uncle hid part of the property from seizure. Following its reputation, teenager, together with representatives of the village council took part in actions on the search to be seized "food surplus" from the "kulaks".
Officially, September 3, 1931 Pavlik's mother had left the village to sell the calf. Teenager with his brother Fyodor went into the forest for berries, where they were later found and - slaughtered.
From protocol inspection of the scene:
"Pavel Morozov was lying on the road at a distance of 10 meters, head to the eastern side. On her head wearing a red bag. Paul was dealt a mortal blow in the belly. The second blow struck in the chest near the heart, for what is the cranberries were scattered. About Paul was one basket, the other thrown aside. His shirt broken in two places, on the back of crimson blood stain. Hair Color - Brown, white face, blue eyes, open mouth is closed. At the foot of two birch (...) The body of Fyodor Morozov was about fifteen meters from St. Paul in the Wetlands and small aspen. Fedor was dealt a blow to the left temple with a stick, right cheek smeared with blood. Knife suffered a mortal blow in the belly above the navel, which left colon and cut the hand with a knife to the bone. "
The investigation revealed that the killers appeared cousin Pavlik - Daniel, his grandfather Sergei Morozov and grandmother Ksenia Morozova. The organizer of the crime recognized pioneer-hero uncle. All of them were sentenced to death. Pavlik and his father were shot, although at that time he was far away in the north.
After the death of the mother of children Morozova in compensation given an apartment in Crimea. She has traveled around the country with stories about the exploits of his son. She died in her apartment, packed busts Pavlik.
The name of Pavlik Morozov was awarded Gerasimovsky and other collective farms, schools, camp, squad, and the first recorded in the Book of Honor of All-Union Pioneer Organization them. IN AND. Lenin. The first pioneers of the heroic monuments were established in Moscow, in the village of Gerasimovka and in Sverdlovsk. About him composed poems and songs, it was written by the same name opera, and even tried to make a movie. In Chelyabinsk, his name still bears the children's railway.
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