(From the French. Affiliation - connection) - the desire to be in the company of other people, the need for communication in the implementation of emotional contact, in the manifestations of friendship and love, as well as an emotional connection with other people, which is characterized by mutual acceptance and location.
Tendency to increase affiliation with the involvement of the subject in a potentially dangerous stressful situation, conjugated with anxiety and self-doubt and causes a feeling of loneliness, helplessness. In this society of other people allows you to check the chosen mode of behavior and character reactions to difficult and dangerous situations.
To a certain extent, the proximity of other leads to a direct reduction in anxiety, mitigating the impact of physiological and psychological stress. Formation of this requirement due to the nature of relationships with parents in early childhood, as well as with peers.
Despite the fact that the need for acceptance inherent in man initially, methods of expression are formed differently depending on the specifics of communication with parents and peers during childhood and depend on the style of education. Accumulated over a lifetime experience with others leads to generalized expectations found in them a source of encouragement or punishment. If dominate the expectations of the first kind, the person will seek to other people and look at them comrades, will be inclined to trust them and value them highly. If dominate opposing expectations, then people will be more likely to avoid other people, treat them with suspicion and low-evaluate them. People whose experience has been mixed, and which, therefore, high expectations and a different kind, will be in the area of interpersonal relations in a state of almost constant internal conflict. A person who has both kinds of expectations are low, will be in situations of interpersonal indifference and disinterest.