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Casual factors invisibly influence your mood

You only think you have something zavisimosti really is something in this world must be ours, and ours alone, is our thoughts. They are in our head, in the end, so if there is the most private and sacred place, then it should be there. But it turns out that's not entirely true. And there are so many different factors that shape our thoughts that we have serious reason to think about some of these thoughts really are ours.

1. The news feed can change your настроение

Due to its popularity, Facebook is not without scandals. The latter occurred due to the details of one experiment, which was conducted on 700,000 users for one week of 2012. Services newsletters began to manipulate, and demonstrated in the news, only positive, or only negative news. This was done in order to assess the mood of the people change their statuses on the social network. And it worked: change in status showed changes in emotional state, which fully coincides with the type of the displayed news. They called it "emotional infection". And this shows something frightening.

Research shows that people don't even have to be in the vicinity of a person with a bad mood in order to "absorb" the negative emotions. The negative could be "caught" just by looking at the monitor. Also, people do not have to be in a personal emotional connection with the "negative" person in order to cause "emotional infection". So we should not be surprised that after the publication of the results of the study had serious anxiety, and now this phenomenon is investigated more closely, such organizations as the office of the Commissioner for information in Dublin. There are people who question the ethics of such studies, claiming that they are not that other, as psychological manipulation. If to some this seems insufficiently suspicious, adding that Facebook users were not even aware of the fact that all of their emotions and moods with the help of the news feeds managed by someone else.

2. The facts supplied in the form of stories, much эффективнее

Let's say you're sitting in the meeting, sales representatives, and you tell a great story about how your boss has conducted the first successful deal in his career. You also give a list of his transactions, which reflected accurate statistics, facts and numbers. What would you remember better? Even if the list will contain exactly the same facts as narrated in the earlier stories, more details you can remember it from history, not from the list. Therefore, stories are an incredibly powerful thing, and there are some interesting scientific research explaining why we consider them to be a more effective way of getting information.

When we look at the list in our brain are activated by two zones: the zone of Wernicke and Broca's area. And this is what happens when browsing the lists. A good story activates many different areas of the brain, areas responsible for interpretation of speech, to the areas that control our sensory perception. In addition, history is something that will not be able to make a single list: it establishes a relationship with the narrator. And this relationship is of great importance when it comes to remembering information presented in the story. Moreover, the audience itself becomes part of the story. Instead of dry facts, of statistics he sees the distinctive signs, and he really wants to know how this will end.

This desire to know what happens next, has another interesting effect: it lowers the level of critical thinking. We are less critical to the information submitted in the form of a story, we assume that it can have a certain amount of fiction to make it interesting. We will disable your skepticism, without even realizing it. If we give a bunch of dry facts, we are left with nothing, and we have to find ways to entertain "bored" part of our brain. Seeing such power of stories, some researchers put forward the idea that fiction can be much more effective to change our views than huge dumps of scientific data.

3. Messages on a subconscious level, really работают

In 1950, the year a man named James Vicary was the first who began experimenting with the transmission of messages on a subconscious level. He periodically showed the inscription "Coca-Cola" during a movie, and this was done in several theaters. He claimed it worked perfectly, and that sales of the drink in the movie theaters has increased significantly. However, science has long doubted about the effectiveness of this method of message transmission. But then scientists from the research organization of the Netherlands proved that in spite of the fact that the results of the "experiments" Vicari ultimately turned out to be fake, send messages on a subconscious level and actually works.

In studies of Dutch scientists took part, the volunteers who "worked", passing them the subconscious message of "drink" and "thirst". The results of the study clearly showed that subconscious message transfer is possible, however, in order for this to work, need a number of additional conditions. For example, a person must receive some pleasant reward for the adoption of the subconscious messages, the person in the experiment must be a certain mental attitude, and in addition, there must be strong psychological Association between the beverage and the resulting reward.

4. We are programmed to be gullible, especially if we умны

We know this seems an obvious contradiction. But how many times have we heard about the most intellectual layers of the population who freely "were" on an obvious Scam? Today we are surprised at the credulity of those people who put a lot of money, believing it is written in "Nigerian letters" (known kind of online fraud). However, psychologists believe that we can not believe the hype. In fact, the smarter we are, the we legavenue. And there are plenty of fraud techniques, which utilize the slack in the system our self.

The basis for this is often one simple thing: what are we smarter, the less we tend to think that we can be fooled. We sincerely believe that we can spot a fraud a mile away, and this self-confidence means that we are ready to overlook the obvious. There is one more thing: we are literally "programmed" to trust the sources that have always been considered reliable. We tend to trust people who wear the title of "doctor", "Professor", etc.

There is also a suggestion that there are different types of intelligence. Intelligence that allows a person to build a successful career, is very different from the intelligence of a rogue. According to psychologist Stephen Greenspan intelligence can change if he gets under a lot of pressure of society, and this feature has long been used in many fraudulent schemes.

5. One of the fonts we believe more than другим

The Font Comic Sans. A simple mention of it is enough to conjure up a postcard with an invitation to a party on the occasion of the birth of a child, or some ad from a nearby kindergarten. This font is not used in academic journals or in respected Newspapers, and for this there is a particular reason (besides aesthetics). In newspaper reports, serious essays, or blogs is typically used a font which we believe.

In 2012, the year columnist for the New York Times Errol Morris conducted an experiment. He took a passage from a book describing a global catastrophe on Earth, and read it to the people. Then he asked how many people believed in the probability of such events on our planet. The survey was conducted using special questionnaires, each of which was printed in one of six random fonts: Trebuchet, Computer Modern, Baskerville, Georgia, Comic Sans, and Helvetica. By the end of the test period of the inquiry have been 45524 person. Numbers and data were different, however, in the end of the font Baskerville was an advantage of 1.5%. People who filled in the questionnaire written in this font, the most frequently agreed with a probability of global catastrophe. The difference of 1.5% may not seem too large, however, this figure may increase when it the questionnaire will be about the sales or about the upcoming election. Among psychologists, analyze the results of the study were David Dunning from Cornell University. He believes that this is because people are more inclined to believe that looks official, and they subconsciously process this information with great care.

6. The probability of committing a crime you above, if you are in a dysfunctional районе

No matter how high your morals are, there is a certain environment, under the influence of which you can start to make not too noble deeds. This is called the "broken Windows Theory". It was created by psychologists James Wilson and George Kelling. This theory asserts that the poorer the district, the more lawless it is happening. People in these areas perceive crime as a matter of course, and a lot of people who find themselves in such places, you begin to think that to violate the law here is quite acceptable. The experiment conducted in the Netherlands, confirmed this theory, showing that people are much more willing to steal money from mailboxes in disadvantaged areas. Other studies were conducted by one psychologist from the Stanford area in Palo Alto (CA), and in the Bronx (new York), and they also confirmed the theory. In these areas left unattended vehicles. If the car was in good condition, it has not been touched. If the car had a shabby appearance — her "stripped" literally within days. And what's more, a good car was also destroyed in a few hours, and that it happened was enough time to hit it with a sledgehammer.

7. Dish size influences how much we едим

It's called "illusion Devota", and it is well known since 1865, the year. The principle of its operation is most clearly visible when we put the food in the dishes in the catering establishments with self-service. Take two portions of equal size. One place on a large plate, the second on a small plate. Portion on a small plate will seem bigger. When the study was conducted, it was found that those who are given large plates put in on average 13% more food than those who give small plates. The same thing happens when we pour the drinks. Pour yourself a drink in a small glass, and then try to pour the same amount of booze in a big glass. It will be very difficult to do because the brain is very difficult to overcome the illusion associated with size glasses. Also note that this adds an additional difficulty: the brain is difficult to compare the vertical dimensions. Because of this, even the most experienced bartenders often think that tall, narrow glass contains more liquid than there really is. Interestingly, the size of the plates in America over the last years has increased on average by 25%, and that's exactly coincided with the advancing obesity epidemic.

8. Colors can change все

Interior decorators say that we're supposed to choose interior colors depending on what emotion we want to evoke with it. But there is something else. According to an article published in the magazine "Forbes", warm colors such as red, and different shades of brown can make a person feel warm. While cold colors such as blue, can make people feel cold. Practically, this means that you can save money to pay for heating. Color can also cause the above illusion Delsofa. When the plate has the same color as the food you eat more.

An even stronger effect on the behavior of people is having the lighting color. In 2000, the year in Glasgow, Scotland, has replaced conventional street lights, for lamps emitting a blue light, as it is traditionally thought that this color has a calming effect. According to official reports, in the areas with blue light, the crime rate has dropped significantly. In Japan decided to follow suit. On lowering the crime rate is 9% said after the blue lights were installed in the city of Nara. And later one of the Japanese railway companies have installed blue lights on the train platform, which was notoriously the fact, that it people often threw themselves under a train. The number of suicide attempts then decreased significantly.

9. Advertising works, even when we think it's not так

Of course, advertising works: the company would not have to spend huge amounts of money, if it were not so. In addition, they know which ads work best. That is why we see so many advertising messages that at first glance are not connected with the advertised product.

The George Washington University and the University of California conducted the study. Volunteers gave the ad, which contained true facts about the advertised product. Another part of the subjects gave the announcement, which dominated the image, causing positive emotions, and not directly related to the subject of advertising. After were analysed the brain activity of subjects. It turned out that electrical activity in the brain is significantly higher if one considers the image, filled with fun images, regardless of whether they are relevant to the product or not. Images causing positive emotions cause a greater response in the minds of the target audience.

And is designed to work even when you use fast-forward. When was invented DVRs, initially it was thought that commercials lose their effectiveness because people will simply "squander". However, a study conducted by Harvard Business Review demonstrated that it is not. In the moment when you think "rewind" is, you are still under its influence. Enabling fast-forward, you will have to constantly watch the screen to know when to stop. So, you pay even more attention than you would like.

10. Some people are physically unable to resist the pressure from окружающих

Pressure from others often believe bad thing than good. For example, "push" each other nice, friendly people to learn something from each other, explore new ideas or engage in some hobby. If the pressure is perceived in a bad context, here we remember the people that encourage their friends to try new drugs, or start stealing in stores.

At some point we can start to think that we would be able to withstand the pressure of others, but such thoughts — the same pressure that we just don't realize. It turns out that the pressure is handled by a separate area of our brain that which is responsible for the pleasure derived from encouraging. At temple University conducted a study of brain activity of adolescents who knew that their friends watch as they perform actions for which they can be punished. It clearly shows that the act of violation of the law excites the pleasure centers in the brain. Monitoring adolescents side was a kind of "trigger" to start the fun. From this it follows that when Teens know they're being watched, their behavior changes dramatically, regardless of whether they realize it or not.



Source: /users/1080