Dear star divorces
The price of freedom has its cash equivalent. This is shown by celebrities, out huge sums of his usual non-stellar spouses in divorce cases. One wonders: Can a divorce bring more happiness than the process of marriage? With soooo "compensation" it is quite possible!
Thus, the ten most expensive celebrity divorces:
10th place - the frontman of the legendary band «The Rolling Stones» Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall. The amount of the divorce - 25 million. Dollars ...
Living idol Beatle Paul McCartney had to pay 38, 5 million. Dol. Heather Mills in favor of the termination of 4-year-old marriage. This 9th
... And quite productive ...
8. Michael Douglas and Diandra Luker (45 million.)
in the beginning of a relationship ...
"Happy" end ...
50 million. Dollars. translated from the account director James Cameron by Linda Hamilton. 7th
All Star Terminator 2: actors co-star Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger, as well as the film's director James Cameron
6. The joint 8 years old and born child - the result of the relationship of Madonna and Guy Ritchie. Their gap in cost 76 million
5. Freedom of Kevin Costner has cost 80 million. Dollars. Cindy Silva, I think, long mourned ...
5 lemons to pay more in a divorce with his ex-wife Melissa Mathison Harrison Ford other gollivudovets
4th place them
3. Marriage Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving (1985-1989.) Cost mega-director of 100 million. Dollars. At that time, it was exactly half of the "family budget", but it is clear whose money it was ...
2nd place for Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphy. 150 million and free!
and first place with a crazy amount to 168 million. dollars. Vana takes Juanita, suing 1/3 of the income of their star ex-husband of the legendary basketball player Michael Jordan
Freedom - an expensive thing ...
Thus, the ten most expensive celebrity divorces:

10th place - the frontman of the legendary band «The Rolling Stones» Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall. The amount of the divorce - 25 million. Dollars ...

Living idol Beatle Paul McCartney had to pay 38, 5 million. Dol. Heather Mills in favor of the termination of 4-year-old marriage. This 9th

... And quite productive ...

8. Michael Douglas and Diandra Luker (45 million.)
in the beginning of a relationship ...

"Happy" end ...

50 million. Dollars. translated from the account director James Cameron by Linda Hamilton. 7th

All Star Terminator 2: actors co-star Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger, as well as the film's director James Cameron

6. The joint 8 years old and born child - the result of the relationship of Madonna and Guy Ritchie. Their gap in cost 76 million

5. Freedom of Kevin Costner has cost 80 million. Dollars. Cindy Silva, I think, long mourned ...

5 lemons to pay more in a divorce with his ex-wife Melissa Mathison Harrison Ford other gollivudovets

4th place them

3. Marriage Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving (1985-1989.) Cost mega-director of 100 million. Dollars. At that time, it was exactly half of the "family budget", but it is clear whose money it was ...

2nd place for Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphy. 150 million and free!

and first place with a crazy amount to 168 million. dollars. Vana takes Juanita, suing 1/3 of the income of their star ex-husband of the legendary basketball player Michael Jordan

Freedom - an expensive thing ...