Star Web - Nordica
Subject Internet goddesses raised last week, definitely can not be considered disclosed without Nordics. This resident of Mother Russia 21 years old is a rival Bagina Amatue for discussions (often banter), in RuNet and her friend in real life. At least, this show joint photo Nordics and Goddesses.
In principle, this Madame (a married woman) would not deserve a separate post, if it was just ottyuningovat fifoy which a dime a dozen in the Nete. Nordica does not sing songs (thank God), did not act in a movie, it does not change the floor and not a man in disguise. This lady has earned acclaim for its racist remarks, who generously post in his many blogs. Nordica is also not in favor of peace in the world - this fragile girl believes that this planet need a good shake-up in the form of World War
Now it seems to me that the world will change for the better only nuclear war and change of civilizations - it is such a harsh and merciless
Real name Nordics - Julia Tselinsky (now Kharlamov). She lives in Nizhny Novgorod, and learn the history department. Last year, Nordica was honored to get to the top of Yandex, thanks to the fact that thousands of users looking for her Nordic "pearl" to postebatsya of girl who fancies himself a thoroughbred Aryan, while being a Jew by birth)) Alas, all entries in the Internet -dnevnikah Nordics "sawn", as advanced users, so finding the web at least one gem is very problematic. Have to be content with what we have on Lurkmore. Although this is enough to get an idea of the amount of gray matter in the brains of her
Nordica about your man (spelling preserved)
I always appreciate in men in the first place: the courage, fortitude, austerity, loyalty to the Motherland, selflessness, duty, pride, honor, dignity, stiffness, will, steadily. Especially important to me - fighting qualities. To put service before self, not a wimp, not looking around the benefits for themselves, knew the value of life and liberty, and thus was ready to sacrifice themselves. So I do not nikogdab obratilab attention to the man who took part in the fighting. For me it is very important ethnicity men only like the Slavs (although of course. Against German impurities I have nothing but Jews, Armenians and Azeris or t. E. For me is not acceptable) Then I considered the candidacy of my friends and decided to choose most worthy, simply because it is time. Dima turned up just in time (before I vospriniala it purely as a friend). I calculated: serves in the special forces, kind, humorous, and frostbitten rowdy (in a good sense)), disciplined, lead a healthy lifestyle, hates liberasnyu and so on. It will be a great father and son will be able to raise a fighter (that me the most important thing) Then I gave myself an order: - to love. ... and fell in love! .. Now I love him more than life! He - my conscious choice. True then faced with a bunch of small problemok type otsutviya apartments, endless travel, and so forth - but it's such garbage compared to the happiness that I feel conscious of how good my husband. I found my man and I'm happy. Love - that's fine.
Such as Nordica put the web photo of her husband, previously smeared his face with photoshop (so that no one stole probably)
Nordica is a good friend Bagina. Last loves to put on their blogs joint photo with comments like: "Today I came to my close friend Julia ...". Yes, one blonde - good, two ...
Recently pronatsionalistskaya activities Nordics podutuhla - according to unconfirmed reports, is expecting a baby girl))) With this, I sincerely congratulate her and wish to focus on motherhood and family life and not to carry every heresy in LJ)

In principle, this Madame (a married woman) would not deserve a separate post, if it was just ottyuningovat fifoy which a dime a dozen in the Nete. Nordica does not sing songs (thank God), did not act in a movie, it does not change the floor and not a man in disguise. This lady has earned acclaim for its racist remarks, who generously post in his many blogs. Nordica is also not in favor of peace in the world - this fragile girl believes that this planet need a good shake-up in the form of World War

Now it seems to me that the world will change for the better only nuclear war and change of civilizations - it is such a harsh and merciless

Real name Nordics - Julia Tselinsky (now Kharlamov). She lives in Nizhny Novgorod, and learn the history department. Last year, Nordica was honored to get to the top of Yandex, thanks to the fact that thousands of users looking for her Nordic "pearl" to postebatsya of girl who fancies himself a thoroughbred Aryan, while being a Jew by birth)) Alas, all entries in the Internet -dnevnikah Nordics "sawn", as advanced users, so finding the web at least one gem is very problematic. Have to be content with what we have on Lurkmore. Although this is enough to get an idea of the amount of gray matter in the brains of her

Nordica about your man (spelling preserved)
I always appreciate in men in the first place: the courage, fortitude, austerity, loyalty to the Motherland, selflessness, duty, pride, honor, dignity, stiffness, will, steadily. Especially important to me - fighting qualities. To put service before self, not a wimp, not looking around the benefits for themselves, knew the value of life and liberty, and thus was ready to sacrifice themselves. So I do not nikogdab obratilab attention to the man who took part in the fighting. For me it is very important ethnicity men only like the Slavs (although of course. Against German impurities I have nothing but Jews, Armenians and Azeris or t. E. For me is not acceptable) Then I considered the candidacy of my friends and decided to choose most worthy, simply because it is time. Dima turned up just in time (before I vospriniala it purely as a friend). I calculated: serves in the special forces, kind, humorous, and frostbitten rowdy (in a good sense)), disciplined, lead a healthy lifestyle, hates liberasnyu and so on. It will be a great father and son will be able to raise a fighter (that me the most important thing) Then I gave myself an order: - to love. ... and fell in love! .. Now I love him more than life! He - my conscious choice. True then faced with a bunch of small problemok type otsutviya apartments, endless travel, and so forth - but it's such garbage compared to the happiness that I feel conscious of how good my husband. I found my man and I'm happy. Love - that's fine.
Such as Nordica put the web photo of her husband, previously smeared his face with photoshop (so that no one stole probably)

Nordica is a good friend Bagina. Last loves to put on their blogs joint photo with comments like: "Today I came to my close friend Julia ...". Yes, one blonde - good, two ...

Recently pronatsionalistskaya activities Nordics podutuhla - according to unconfirmed reports, is expecting a baby girl))) With this, I sincerely congratulate her and wish to focus on motherhood and family life and not to carry every heresy in LJ)