Green Lake
Green Lake (Grüner See or Green Lake) located near the village of Tragos (Tragöß or Tragoess) in Austria is probably one of the most beautiful and unusual natural phenomena in the world. In winter, it is a park, and in summer the lake.
In winter, this beautiful place is a park located in the mountains Hochvab (Hochschwab), where tourists walk and admire the beautiful views of the mountains. Of course, the water does not disappear before the end of its depth somewhere 1-2 meters. But with the coming of spring, when the temperature begins to rise, starts to hide the snow and ice covering the tops of mountains and crystal clear water flows down into the ravine, where there is a park, turning it into this crystal clear lake. It is because of the emerald-green, crystal clear water, the lake got its name "Green Lake".
From mid-May to June, is considered the most visitors at this time of the lake reaches a maximum depth of 12 meters. Tourists can swim among the benches, bridges, blooming flowers and even fish. The lake also supports a variety of fauna: snails, small crabs and various types of trout.
The feeling that you get in a surreal world.
I do not know about you, but I'd like to visit this place)))))
In winter, this beautiful place is a park located in the mountains Hochvab (Hochschwab), where tourists walk and admire the beautiful views of the mountains. Of course, the water does not disappear before the end of its depth somewhere 1-2 meters. But with the coming of spring, when the temperature begins to rise, starts to hide the snow and ice covering the tops of mountains and crystal clear water flows down into the ravine, where there is a park, turning it into this crystal clear lake. It is because of the emerald-green, crystal clear water, the lake got its name "Green Lake".
From mid-May to June, is considered the most visitors at this time of the lake reaches a maximum depth of 12 meters. Tourists can swim among the benches, bridges, blooming flowers and even fish. The lake also supports a variety of fauna: snails, small crabs and various types of trout.
The feeling that you get in a surreal world.
I do not know about you, but I'd like to visit this place)))))