Amazing green lake in Austria there is
Austria is an incredible place – Grüner See (Green lake). From August to April – a green Park with paths, benches, green meadows, bridges over streams. In the spring the water level in the lake rises strongly because of melting snow and glaciers in the mountains, so melt water floods every year, this picturesque area of 4-5 meters.
Sometimes the water level rises to 8 metres, but the visibility in the clear water up to 30 meters and more. It is at this time should be to his eyes to observe the crystal clear fresh water lake and incredibly beautiful underwater Park.
Green lake (Grеen Lake) is located near the mountains Hоchschwab near the village of Tragos (Trаgöß) in Austria. This lake is one of the most extraordinary and beautiful natural phenomena in the world. In winter this lake is no different from a million others. Here you will find a beautiful Park with incredible views of the mountains, where people gather to relax from the urban bustle.
The most extraordinary phenomenon that in the lake the fish swim over wooden benches, and the ground is covered with green grass and flowers. Air bubbles that accumulate on the leaves of the trees sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow. Trees, roads and bridges — all this creates a surreal terrestrial world, but which at the same time is under a layer of water.
In Kharkov, also has a very beautiful lake, how to get there and see the incredible landscapes in this article.
Source: /users/413

Sometimes the water level rises to 8 metres, but the visibility in the clear water up to 30 meters and more. It is at this time should be to his eyes to observe the crystal clear fresh water lake and incredibly beautiful underwater Park.

Green lake (Grеen Lake) is located near the mountains Hоchschwab near the village of Tragos (Trаgöß) in Austria. This lake is one of the most extraordinary and beautiful natural phenomena in the world. In winter this lake is no different from a million others. Here you will find a beautiful Park with incredible views of the mountains, where people gather to relax from the urban bustle.

The most extraordinary phenomenon that in the lake the fish swim over wooden benches, and the ground is covered with green grass and flowers. Air bubbles that accumulate on the leaves of the trees sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow. Trees, roads and bridges — all this creates a surreal terrestrial world, but which at the same time is under a layer of water.

In Kharkov, also has a very beautiful lake, how to get there and see the incredible landscapes in this article.
Source: /users/413