Chuck Norris Quotes
Do you still remember Chuck Norris? Yes, the very Hardball Walker? Imagine, he was already 71 years old, although he looks for several dozen years younger (sport and a healthy lifestyle, decide). And very soon, namely in August this year, we will see it on the big screen in the movie "The Expendables 2", where in addition to Chuck will witness Sylvester Stallone, Jason Stethema, Dolph Lundgren, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jet Li. That's sostavchik so sostavchik! But now, Chuck. Norris. The actor and martial artist grew up in a poor family, his father was a known addiction to alcohol, and his mother was simple patient woman who from time to time tried to wean her husband from the bottle. She failed and was followed by a divorce, which became a turning point in the life of Chuck, because it's stepfather (mother's new husband) Norris instilled a love of sports. Later, Chuck became an actor. Now Chuck practically in films and serials, but lives happily with his young wife and do not forget about his sons from his first marriage. Correct in every way a man with a thought in my head. Oh, you decide that Chuck's head - clever ideas or just zilch.
Actually, I'm the winner.
When I was growing up, I did not have a father, I only had in mind the image of his father, it was the image of an ideal father, and the father at me and it was not.
My first motion picture called "Good guys wear black." What is there to add?
I have often heard from critics that the play is disgusting. And I, in their opinion, should do?
Once I was even going to go to acting school. That day I came home and counted the money. Money is clearly not enough. Then I decided that I will not go to any acting school. And I do not go.
I travel a lot around the world. But I never had a bodyguard. And I have never had any problems. Perhaps this way of working that I created in the movies. After all, I've never played the guy who is looking for trouble. I played a guy who is able to deal with them if he, of course, have.
Movies about martial arts like the people for self-sufficiency. People have always loved the times when I broke in flight leg windscreen of a moving car and cut down dude. People do things like that and just remember.
When I first started working with Bruce Lee, he believed that only need to hit below the belt - from the groin and down. He simply did not believe that if you beat up, you may have something good.
I met Bruce in 1968 - right after I became a world champion in karate. Bruce was on that day in the hall, as a special guest. Word for word, we became friends, started to train together. Then he flew to Hong Kong. He called me in 1972. "Dude, - said Bruce. - I just made two films in Hong Kong, now I fucking shot. You know, I want to make this movie, which will tell all. And I want to be in this movie, we were together. And so we fought. " I asked, "And who would have to win, dude?" He said: "Of course I am. Because I - the star. " Then I laughed and said: "You are what you want to beat me, the world champion in karate?" He said, "Yes." A sense of humor is still sometimes let him down.
About Bruce says a lot. He was fast, he learned a little from each, and his mind was open.
Most people give up for a second before doing something, what they sought and that it seemed to them impossible. Doing this, of course, impossible. After all, you can never tell in advance what the obstacle in your way will be the last.
Men - as steel. When losing quenching, and then break down.
Many people whimper: "I'm not as successful, because I was not given all the shots." Damn, guys, just model the shots and everything. What a whimper?
Violence - the last, what I seek.
I like that I make a positive impression on the children.
If you want to achieve something in life, you can not just sit and wait for it to happen. We must also do something about it! My experience says that if you just sit down, nothing will happen.
You can start from anywhere and with anything. Take, for example, me. I grew up in a poor family, I did not have a father, we were sitting on the dole. But the work, work, work, sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice - and here I am in front of you: a successful man who shook hands with Bruce Lee.
When I wrote the book, I wanted to make in this book could be seen all my mistakes. In this book, I wrote about all the mistakes that are made in my life. In general, everything that I've done wrong, you are in my book and read.
I am very proud of my literary attempts.
I'm fucking religious.
It's hard not to believe in God. I remember Lee Atwater died. He was an adviser to the elder Bush on his election campaign. He was little more than thirty. He had a brain tumor. His head was swollen to the size of the prize pumpkin. He called me to him, when death was close at hand. He blew a few people myself. Only a few selected people. I remember entering the room. Lee lying on the bed. He beckoned me to her. He whispered something, but I did not hear. By the time he had completely lost his voice. I squatted down and heard a piece of phrase, said in a whisper: "Chuck, believe in the Lord." These were his last words. I do not even remember I was crying or not. Rather, I simply walked away from the bed.
It seems to me, the Lord has me some sympathy.
I found a funny thing: if you help others, does anyone ever help you.
Money does not guarantee happiness. Money guarantee headache.
The most miserable people I knew in combination - the richest people in America.
A couple of times I talked with Schwarzenegger. Surprisingly, we think almost the same. Our conversation was probably the most boring conversation in the world. "That's right, Chuck." "That's right, Arnie».
My life passed unnoticed. Fifteen years I've learned. Fifteen years I fought. Now I teach karate and think: Damn, I hope I have left as many more.
Each of us will be the morning that we will not see.
In the world of martial arts it is all very easy: you're the best today and tomorrow for you and do not remember.
Actually, I'm the winner.

When I was growing up, I did not have a father, I only had in mind the image of his father, it was the image of an ideal father, and the father at me and it was not.
My first motion picture called "Good guys wear black." What is there to add?
I have often heard from critics that the play is disgusting. And I, in their opinion, should do?
Once I was even going to go to acting school. That day I came home and counted the money. Money is clearly not enough. Then I decided that I will not go to any acting school. And I do not go.
I travel a lot around the world. But I never had a bodyguard. And I have never had any problems. Perhaps this way of working that I created in the movies. After all, I've never played the guy who is looking for trouble. I played a guy who is able to deal with them if he, of course, have.

Movies about martial arts like the people for self-sufficiency. People have always loved the times when I broke in flight leg windscreen of a moving car and cut down dude. People do things like that and just remember.
When I first started working with Bruce Lee, he believed that only need to hit below the belt - from the groin and down. He simply did not believe that if you beat up, you may have something good.
I met Bruce in 1968 - right after I became a world champion in karate. Bruce was on that day in the hall, as a special guest. Word for word, we became friends, started to train together. Then he flew to Hong Kong. He called me in 1972. "Dude, - said Bruce. - I just made two films in Hong Kong, now I fucking shot. You know, I want to make this movie, which will tell all. And I want to be in this movie, we were together. And so we fought. " I asked, "And who would have to win, dude?" He said: "Of course I am. Because I - the star. " Then I laughed and said: "You are what you want to beat me, the world champion in karate?" He said, "Yes." A sense of humor is still sometimes let him down.
About Bruce says a lot. He was fast, he learned a little from each, and his mind was open.

Most people give up for a second before doing something, what they sought and that it seemed to them impossible. Doing this, of course, impossible. After all, you can never tell in advance what the obstacle in your way will be the last.
Men - as steel. When losing quenching, and then break down.
Many people whimper: "I'm not as successful, because I was not given all the shots." Damn, guys, just model the shots and everything. What a whimper?
Violence - the last, what I seek.
I like that I make a positive impression on the children.

If you want to achieve something in life, you can not just sit and wait for it to happen. We must also do something about it! My experience says that if you just sit down, nothing will happen.
You can start from anywhere and with anything. Take, for example, me. I grew up in a poor family, I did not have a father, we were sitting on the dole. But the work, work, work, sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice - and here I am in front of you: a successful man who shook hands with Bruce Lee.

When I wrote the book, I wanted to make in this book could be seen all my mistakes. In this book, I wrote about all the mistakes that are made in my life. In general, everything that I've done wrong, you are in my book and read.
I am very proud of my literary attempts.
I'm fucking religious.

It's hard not to believe in God. I remember Lee Atwater died. He was an adviser to the elder Bush on his election campaign. He was little more than thirty. He had a brain tumor. His head was swollen to the size of the prize pumpkin. He called me to him, when death was close at hand. He blew a few people myself. Only a few selected people. I remember entering the room. Lee lying on the bed. He beckoned me to her. He whispered something, but I did not hear. By the time he had completely lost his voice. I squatted down and heard a piece of phrase, said in a whisper: "Chuck, believe in the Lord." These were his last words. I do not even remember I was crying or not. Rather, I simply walked away from the bed.
It seems to me, the Lord has me some sympathy.
I found a funny thing: if you help others, does anyone ever help you.

Money does not guarantee happiness. Money guarantee headache.
The most miserable people I knew in combination - the richest people in America.
A couple of times I talked with Schwarzenegger. Surprisingly, we think almost the same. Our conversation was probably the most boring conversation in the world. "That's right, Chuck." "That's right, Arnie».

My life passed unnoticed. Fifteen years I've learned. Fifteen years I fought. Now I teach karate and think: Damn, I hope I have left as many more.
Each of us will be the morning that we will not see.

In the world of martial arts it is all very easy: you're the best today and tomorrow for you and do not remember.