The most noticeable changes hairstyles of stars

Rachel McAdams

Some people believe that scientists believe absurd, others take their opinion at face value, but how else recently US researchers have confirmed that the visit to the barber replaces people trek to the psychologist. Supposedly most customers share with masters personal problems, why the soul becomes easier namnoooooogo. Now Rachel McAdams, who has a personal hairdresser ever need support (actress recently broke up with her boyfriend after a three-year relationship), but that why she went to the salon - an open question, because in his interviews Rachel often mentions that loves experiments and once wanted to be painted in pink or blue.

Megan Fox

Best friend Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles should be red-haired, so Megan Fox will play April O'Neil in the new project Jonathan Liebesman and Michael Bay, repainted in the colors of fire. Yet to say anything specific about the new hair color "true brunettes" Fox is impossible, but certainly in the near future there will be more photos and we consider Megan in all its glory. Prior to that, the actress was blond, brown and black, but to be red until it was not possible.

Vanessa Hudgens

Black hair color is perhaps the most spectacular, but by no means the most beautiful. Someone he goes, someone is not very good, but as soon as Vanessa Hudgens lighten your hair a few shades, I realized that it was 100% it! With a shade of brown she became much fresher, more interesting and younger (younger truth nowhere, because it is not 50).

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon did everything exactly the opposite. Actress repainted from blonde to brown-haired woman, that, in my opinion, to make it a lot easier. With a light shade of it - Hollywood star, with darker - a serial aktriska ordinary. Maybe it's for a new role, but in the view of most Reese still "Legally Blonde».

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian still did a bang. Thought and thought and finally think up.

Jessie J

The first thing after his unexpected action (Jessie J shaved bald for charity) singer went back to the barber. Mind was "wig, wig me wig!", But in a burst of feeling she decided to surprise us even more - to become a blonde. She goes everything, but this haircut and this color remaining hair on the head, it is very much like Amber Rose.

Lady Gaga

Joint disease marred life Lady Gaga and actress in this period came to a darker hair color.


Her colleague and girlfriend Beyonce, drove off to Cuba in the company of her husband, made the African plaits. Interestingly, before the tour, which starts next week, she will change her hair?

Bradley Cooper

What is a serious man and a soft touch his hairdo. For the role in the drama "Serena" Bradley Cooper had to make friends with hair curlers. Jennifer Lawrence is probably dying with laughter (yes, they are playing together again).

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber dropped his crest. 19-year-old singer "remembered youth».


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