Live animals
Our world is filled with lots of exotic wildlife. Many of them we had to meet in real life. But there are animals whose existence we do not even suspect. Today I want to present a selection of photos of some species that are less known to the general public. Thanks to the Internet community Redditor preggit, and who have created this photo report, we have an opportunity to learn more about these fascinating animals. I would like to notice that all images are present only real types, no photoshop. Some of them look like the fictional creatures from fairy tales, in which the existence of hard to believe. Others are hybrid mixture of two different animals. For example, the maned wolf looks like a fox, and a mixture of gerenuk giraffe and gazelle.
Maned wolf
This species is the largest representative of the canine in South America. It looks like a fox with reddish fur. This mammal lives in open areas, especially in the meadows with scattered shrubs and trees. Long legs - an adaptation to their native habitat.
Also known as the Waller's Gazelle or springbok giraffidae. He holds a long neck, allowing the leaves to get high bushes in the deserts of East Africa. In comparison with the small head has large eyes and ears.
Predatory cats. Are the largest mammals on the island of Madagascar. The semi-retractable claws and flexible ankles allow him to climb and spuskastya from trees headfirst.
A mammal of the family of pigs. Differ long tusks that in old animals vrostayut skull. They live in swampy forests and coastal thickets of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, Togin, Sula and Buru. The second name "Svinooleni."
Zebra duiker
Small antelope were found in Côte d'Ivoire and other parts of Africa. They are holders of a red-brown color with a characteristic zebra stripes. Hence the name. They live in lowland tropical forests, eating leaves and fruit.
Pink battleship.
This species has a pale pink color, reaches about 9-11santimetrov long. It is a nocturnal animal that feeds mainly on ants and ant larvae near its burrow. With a sense of danger in seconds burrows in the ground. The long front claws with which it mixes earth and sand, allow him to swim through the earth, almost like water.
Amazonian Royal Flycatcher
They live in the forests of the Amazon basin. They grow to 16, 5 centimeters. At the same time build their nests are very large - up to several meters in diameter. Their dwellings are located above the water, making them invulnerable to predators.
Patagonian Mara
Herbivore with distinctive ears and large hind legs razvitimy. The relatively large rodent living in some areas of Argentina.
Raccoon dog
Mammal canine. Named because of its resemblance to a raccoon, although no relationship between these species are not present. Raccoon dog or tanuki inhabit the forests and mountains of Asia. Very good climbers.
Snub-nosed monkey
They live in different parts of Asia. It got its name because of the short nose. Snub-nosed monkeys inhabit mountain forests. Most of their lives in trees. Hold groups of up to 600 individuals. Have a great vocal repertoire.
Indian muntjac
View family cervids. They live in South Asia. Omnivorous. It feeds on grass, fruits, sprouts, seeds, eggs, birds and small animals. Sometimes carrion. Despite its small size, it can be quite cruel. They will fight each other for territory to the last. With horns and fangs to protect themselves from certain predators, such as dogs.
Large species of wild goat that lives in the northeast of Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is threatened with extinction. Today there are less than 2,500 mature individuals. It is the national animal of Pakistan. Locals use the saliva of the animal to heal wounds.
Red Wolf
It is one of the canine species native to South and Southeast Asia. It is threatened with extinction. They live in large flocks, hunting divided into small groups. The first hunt hoofed medium. Bold enough to attack the large and dangerous animals such as wild boar, buffalo and even tigers.
Irrawaddy dolphin
One species of oceanic dolphins living near the coast and estuaries the Bay of Bengal in South-East Asia. Genetically closely related with killer whales.
Southern dolphin
A small species of mammals, living in the cool waters of the Southern Hemisphere. They are fast, active swimmers. Do not have visible teeth and dorsal fin. Very graceful. Often move continuously jumping out of the water.
Tsifoniya klavata
It is one of the species of ant appendage growing out of his head. This allows you to hide the body of the insect from predators.
Malay Shestokryl
Also known as the flying lemur. But in fact it does not fly. Instead, it climbs trees. It lives throughout Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. It feeds on the soft parts of plants, such as young leaves, shoots, flowers and fruits.
Tufted deer
Fine views of deer, characterized tuft of black hair on his forehead. It is a close relative of muntjac living a little further north. It lives in the vast area of central China. This timid animal, generally a single or in pairs. A distinctive feature is the short, sometimes subtle horns and long fangs.
Yeti Crab
Type of crustaceans, also known as Kiwaidae. It lives in the deep sea hydrothermal vents in the South Pacific. A distinctive feature - thick hairs that cover the legs.
Star-nosed mole
View family mole. Found in humid areas in eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. Eleven pairs of pink shoots around the muzzle animal is used as a sensitive organ of touch.
It is a species of jawless fish. They live in coastal and fresh waters. Characterized by a toothed, funnel-shaped mouth. They attach themselves to the fish and suck its blood. Minogue has nearly 300 million years, and its appearance has remained relatively unchanged.
The naked mole rat
This creature has a lot of importance to the characteristics of humanity. First - it is immune to cancer. Second - lives up to 28 years, while maintaining youth and health. If we equate the human age - get older 80-year-old man with a biological age of 30 years. The naked mole rat is used for cancer research, as well as in the study of aging.
Maned wolf

This species is the largest representative of the canine in South America. It looks like a fox with reddish fur. This mammal lives in open areas, especially in the meadows with scattered shrubs and trees. Long legs - an adaptation to their native habitat.

Also known as the Waller's Gazelle or springbok giraffidae. He holds a long neck, allowing the leaves to get high bushes in the deserts of East Africa. In comparison with the small head has large eyes and ears.

Predatory cats. Are the largest mammals on the island of Madagascar. The semi-retractable claws and flexible ankles allow him to climb and spuskastya from trees headfirst.

A mammal of the family of pigs. Differ long tusks that in old animals vrostayut skull. They live in swampy forests and coastal thickets of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, Togin, Sula and Buru. The second name "Svinooleni."
Zebra duiker

Small antelope were found in Côte d'Ivoire and other parts of Africa. They are holders of a red-brown color with a characteristic zebra stripes. Hence the name. They live in lowland tropical forests, eating leaves and fruit.
Pink battleship.

This species has a pale pink color, reaches about 9-11santimetrov long. It is a nocturnal animal that feeds mainly on ants and ant larvae near its burrow. With a sense of danger in seconds burrows in the ground. The long front claws with which it mixes earth and sand, allow him to swim through the earth, almost like water.
Amazonian Royal Flycatcher

They live in the forests of the Amazon basin. They grow to 16, 5 centimeters. At the same time build their nests are very large - up to several meters in diameter. Their dwellings are located above the water, making them invulnerable to predators.
Patagonian Mara

Herbivore with distinctive ears and large hind legs razvitimy. The relatively large rodent living in some areas of Argentina.
Raccoon dog

Mammal canine. Named because of its resemblance to a raccoon, although no relationship between these species are not present. Raccoon dog or tanuki inhabit the forests and mountains of Asia. Very good climbers.
Snub-nosed monkey

They live in different parts of Asia. It got its name because of the short nose. Snub-nosed monkeys inhabit mountain forests. Most of their lives in trees. Hold groups of up to 600 individuals. Have a great vocal repertoire.
Indian muntjac

View family cervids. They live in South Asia. Omnivorous. It feeds on grass, fruits, sprouts, seeds, eggs, birds and small animals. Sometimes carrion. Despite its small size, it can be quite cruel. They will fight each other for territory to the last. With horns and fangs to protect themselves from certain predators, such as dogs.

Large species of wild goat that lives in the northeast of Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is threatened with extinction. Today there are less than 2,500 mature individuals. It is the national animal of Pakistan. Locals use the saliva of the animal to heal wounds.
Red Wolf

It is one of the canine species native to South and Southeast Asia. It is threatened with extinction. They live in large flocks, hunting divided into small groups. The first hunt hoofed medium. Bold enough to attack the large and dangerous animals such as wild boar, buffalo and even tigers.
Irrawaddy dolphin

One species of oceanic dolphins living near the coast and estuaries the Bay of Bengal in South-East Asia. Genetically closely related with killer whales.
Southern dolphin

A small species of mammals, living in the cool waters of the Southern Hemisphere. They are fast, active swimmers. Do not have visible teeth and dorsal fin. Very graceful. Often move continuously jumping out of the water.
Tsifoniya klavata

It is one of the species of ant appendage growing out of his head. This allows you to hide the body of the insect from predators.
Malay Shestokryl

Also known as the flying lemur. But in fact it does not fly. Instead, it climbs trees. It lives throughout Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. It feeds on the soft parts of plants, such as young leaves, shoots, flowers and fruits.
Tufted deer

Fine views of deer, characterized tuft of black hair on his forehead. It is a close relative of muntjac living a little further north. It lives in the vast area of central China. This timid animal, generally a single or in pairs. A distinctive feature is the short, sometimes subtle horns and long fangs.
Yeti Crab

Type of crustaceans, also known as Kiwaidae. It lives in the deep sea hydrothermal vents in the South Pacific. A distinctive feature - thick hairs that cover the legs.
Star-nosed mole

View family mole. Found in humid areas in eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. Eleven pairs of pink shoots around the muzzle animal is used as a sensitive organ of touch.

It is a species of jawless fish. They live in coastal and fresh waters. Characterized by a toothed, funnel-shaped mouth. They attach themselves to the fish and suck its blood. Minogue has nearly 300 million years, and its appearance has remained relatively unchanged.
The naked mole rat

This creature has a lot of importance to the characteristics of humanity. First - it is immune to cancer. Second - lives up to 28 years, while maintaining youth and health. If we equate the human age - get older 80-year-old man with a biological age of 30 years. The naked mole rat is used for cancer research, as well as in the study of aging.