Rapists in Texas can be killed on the spot. I want to Texas
In Texas, 23-year-old, who scored to death 47-year-old rapist of his 5-year-old daughter did not appear in court. June 9 young father of two children in Texas heard from the little boy that someone grabbed his sister and pulled her into the barn. The young man rushed there and found the girl screaming and naked. Beside her was a man who managed to take off her clothes and a sebya- Jesus Mora Flores.
Seeing the picture, the girl's father rushed to the stranger. He stopped only after he has ceased to show signs of life. The court took into account that the child's father dialed 911 and called an ambulance Flores.
According to the laws of Texas, even the use of force and the killing of a man, a violent sexual nature * se is not a criminal offense. That is, one can kill abusers in place regardless of whether they attack on adults or children. In this regard, the state prosecutor's office refused any charges against the young man.
Damn, that's still a valid law