It's no secret that Madonna is the owner of a chain of fitness clubs Hard Candy, located in major cities around the world (in Moscow, too, there is one). Naturally, for this business is responsible not the star, and a staff of its trustees, but occasionally Madonna attends clubs in person. Today, all employees of the fitness center in Rome sat on valerian - pop queen came to him with the audit
Alec Baldwin is already mentally prepared to run for diapers and get up at night to the cradle. Soon the actor's wife Hilaria give him another child (Kim Basinger Alec already have an adult daughter Ireland, and wrote about it on our website)
Lady Gaga Cosplay Black Widow. However, the weather for the catwalk in a leather skintight suit not the best - the sun fuck vengeance. But that does not suffer for a spectacular appearance in front of the camera!
And Miley Cyrus today in a hurry and did not even have time to pereobut slippers - in this way it came to the recording studio
Otgremena Berlin premiere of another substitute "Twilight" - "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones." The event was attended by all the stars involved in the project: Lily Collins, Jamie Kepmbell Bower, Robert Sheehan, Kevin Zegers et al.
A good couple of them left - on screen and in life! (you know that Lily and Jamie more than a year or together)
Here is the fat lady has created a world of "instruments of death." The writer Cassandra Clare (passport Judith Ramett), reaping the fruits of his fame. But she began - just imagine - with yaoynyh (boy + boy) fan fiction stories, Harry Potter)
Naomi Watts was used to fake pregnant belly in just a few months of shooting the film "Saint Vincent Van Nuys." At the very actress has two sons, so the feelings and habits of pregnant women it perfectly familiar
With colleague Bill Murray shooting
Haircut Taylor Swift: not so new, but still unusual to agree. For many years, long curly locks she was tired, and the singer decided to torment her hair utjuzhkom. However, no long hair looks is not so impressive, alas
Lindsay Lohan back on itself got on? I already think that it will never mend. It looks like a vulgar images of her strong and unbreakable bond

Alec Baldwin is already mentally prepared to run for diapers and get up at night to the cradle. Soon the actor's wife Hilaria give him another child (Kim Basinger Alec already have an adult daughter Ireland, and wrote about it on our website)

Lady Gaga Cosplay Black Widow. However, the weather for the catwalk in a leather skintight suit not the best - the sun fuck vengeance. But that does not suffer for a spectacular appearance in front of the camera!

And Miley Cyrus today in a hurry and did not even have time to pereobut slippers - in this way it came to the recording studio

Otgremena Berlin premiere of another substitute "Twilight" - "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones." The event was attended by all the stars involved in the project: Lily Collins, Jamie Kepmbell Bower, Robert Sheehan, Kevin Zegers et al.

A good couple of them left - on screen and in life! (you know that Lily and Jamie more than a year or together)

Here is the fat lady has created a world of "instruments of death." The writer Cassandra Clare (passport Judith Ramett), reaping the fruits of his fame. But she began - just imagine - with yaoynyh (boy + boy) fan fiction stories, Harry Potter)

Naomi Watts was used to fake pregnant belly in just a few months of shooting the film "Saint Vincent Van Nuys." At the very actress has two sons, so the feelings and habits of pregnant women it perfectly familiar

With colleague Bill Murray shooting

Haircut Taylor Swift: not so new, but still unusual to agree. For many years, long curly locks she was tired, and the singer decided to torment her hair utjuzhkom. However, no long hair looks is not so impressive, alas

Lindsay Lohan back on itself got on? I already think that it will never mend. It looks like a vulgar images of her strong and unbreakable bond