The human brain

power cord, translated into heat, similar to the power desyativattnoy bulbs. Approximate capacity of our memory is from 3 to 1,000 terabytes. The capacity of the entire British National Archives - 70 Terabytes. The brain consumes one-fifth of all the oxygen, with a weight of only 2% of the weight of our body. Surprisingly, in a dream, our brain is working less, and often more than during daytime active lifestyle. Scientists say that the more a person IQ, the more he sees dreams. According to recent studies, the nerve cells in the body grow during the rest of our lives. Previously it was thought that the number of nerve cells decreases with age and is not restored. The propagation velocity information in the neurons of the body varies and depends on the type of neurons. Speed Range - 0, 5 to 120 meters per second. The brain itself is not sensitive to pain. When you hit your head pain is felt through the tissue surrounding the skull. Four-fifths of our brain is water.
Source: mirfactov.com/