Two twin brother

live in the capital of Chile, two twin brothers who decide in their own way to note a commemorative anniversary of the country. These guys decided to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Chile, after standing in the air for 200 minutes. Magic twins stunned thousands of passers-by, when hovering over the streets of the city for more than 8 hours. Their only visible support was a post for which they held a rukoy.

The feat, which was attended by the couple, was broadcast on a giant screen, even the traffic in the city was stopped. Movement stopped also because thousands of people gathered from all over, only to unravel how they do it. The crowd at the bottom there are many different explanations for how the twins performing tricks, including the presence of iron wire passed through their clothes and tied to a pole. Gemini is already considered the most famous illusionists in the country. The pair made numerous shows on television in the past and is going to perform a more upscale tricks to mark the anniversary strany.

Magic twins did not say how they were able to perform breathtaking stunts in the air and proderzhzhatsya more than eight hours. Their tricks similar to tricks performed American magician David Blaine, who became famous through his extraordinary trick of raising. We can only guess how they do it ...: yaplakal.com
Source: mirfactov.com/